Vinay - from the first sentence of your Covid vaccine paper (cited in your piece): "The COVID-19 vaccine has been a miraculous, life-saving advance, offering staggering efficacy in adults...". Ouch. It's the proliferation of nonsense like this that probably got them their medal. I know, I know - that was the admission fee, the price of getting it published. Still...
I agree. I was very surprised to read the introduction to this paper as it was gushing with positive words about the vaccine. Being a person who decided not to get the vaccine, and who is relieved and happy that I did not, due to the fact that more and more news of medical issues, covering up deaths during the trials, etc, is revealed. Unfortunately I predict that much more issues will come to light in the next several years, and none of it good.
true, it seems piled on a bit thick. the time has come to call things by what they are and stop living by lies. let's call men in dresses MEN. let's call cutting off children's genitals CRIMINAL MUTILATION. let's call the covid vaccines A SNEAKY WAY TO TRICK PEOPLE INTO TAKING UNTESTED GENE THERAPY THAT WILL PROBABLY THIN OUT THE HERD. let's call demanding that people stay locked in their homes in violation of Constitutional rights ILLEGAL IMPRISONMENT. let's call the assault on "misinformation" AN ATTACK ON THE FIRST AMENDMENT. let's call DEI policies RACISM. let's call the mainstream media OBSOLETE. words have power. we must speak truth to those who speak falsehoods.
Your article that was linked to was very thorough except you forgot to mention VAERs and all the toxicities and cancers now arising from these gene therapies ( not really vaccines) and the contaminants in the product which to me is the most important piece of information that needs to be discussed - totally pulled off mkt until we know the genetic risks and all the side effects possible.
Interesting point that pharma donated more to Kamala's campaign than to Trump's. The thing is, I'm not sure it's any better when they donate equally to both sides. I mean, doesn't that ultimately mean they can control both sides?
Should be no surprise. Well deserved. Moderna & Pfizer perfected propaganda…media control—learned lessons from prior aborted scamdemics—well coordinated effort— excellent efficient use of technology — made a few people abundantly rich— fucked over millions more…gosh, the payoff of “genomics!” golf clap
Read The Pfizer Papers by Dr. Naomi Wolf to see how this medal given to these companies is completely and totally unacceptable and dangerous. They harmed so many clueless individuals who cannot get government help for their injuries. Read Worth the Shot? to see how that played out. If you look at the people and companies who were given these awards, think George Soros, it might make you question what is really going on in this country, if you haven’t already! Very sad!
George Soros, Hilary Clinton, Liz Cheney all received what used to be a prestigious award, now rendered worthless, and something that a person with integrity might want to refuse on principle so that the person doesn’t have to be in the company of some of the most evil people who have worked very hard to undermine and damage our country.
Agree that the medal is uncalled for when you make 100 billion. That aside, most comments are extremely negative, denouncing conspiracies and ignoring science. It’s possible to have an effective vaccine that protects mostly unvaccinated older people at risk that had not been exposed to the virus, with a poorly executed pandemic response that includes health authorities misinforming the public, lazy media and greedy blood sucking drug companies.
As a research chemist who worked in this industry for decades I can tell you there is nothing can be done to stop them. The problem is doctors who believe FDA approval is an endorsement. The doctors prescribe their POS technology without questioning it, providing the money that makes pharma so powerful, giving them the ability to manipulate the message.
I've been trying to expose fraud I've witnessed for years, no one listens. The FDA will investigate YOU if you complain, I know, they did it to me.
Check out the wiki page for tivantinib, see my comments in the talk section about a company Pfizer "collaborated" with called arqule. POS junk science. Then there was RGO Biosciences at the Pfizer incubator in SD, they were lying to Pfizer right under their noses and Pfizer was clueless. Many others to tell about.
Then there is LBQ657, that's my registration number, no evidence it does anything yet billions paid to a Swiss pharmaceutical company for it, a lot coming from medicare. Even worse Harvard professor Fishman is behind it all as former head of NIBR
I once reported to the FDA a company was lying about the qualifications of their CSO, he claimed a PhD in pharmacology from Harvard. I contacted record of him. The truth only a veterinary degree from the Carribbean, yet the FDA saw no problem with this allowing them to continue trials with Dana Farber.
Let's not forget omadacycline and Harvard's Wally Gilbert, more POS junk science. Read what Anand Swaminanthin has to say about it. They couldn't even do basic chemistry at paratek
Lots of good points, especially 10. It's bothersome that everyone seems to agree that Biden wasn't competent to run again (right after the first televised debate, what people said out loud went that way), but no one thinks it's a problem for him to have remained in office (commander in chief of the military, among other things).
The other thing is that it just smells bad for the executive branch to give a medal to corporations that are regulated by the executive branch. How would we react if (for example) JPMorganChase were given a medal by the federal government for one of its business decisions? We are in a bad place when well-informed people believe the regulatory apparatus is broken, but the majority of the country still thinks "FDA-approved" means what it meant in 1980.
with their $100 B, they should not only have to do post marketing studies but also to compensate the injured and the dead victims of their failed project, and to pay back salaries to all those who lost their jobs because they had the good sense and strength of character to refuse. i am one, fired from a job i loved and dedicated my life to for 40 years. i'd say pfizer and moderna, once they've paid the damages they've visited on the world- including all the future cancers, autoimmune diseases, "sudden" heart attacks and strokes still to come- they should be at zero or even in the red.
the biden administration has been a clown show. i am counting the seconds until they are gone. i've never been a political person, never cared who the president was considering they were all talk and didn't really affect the day to day lives of regular american people BUT this dreadful criminal destructive suicidal administration got me off the bench!
Like Pfizer's Comirnaty, Moderna's Spikevax prevents neither infection nor transmission. Vaccine-induced mmunity -- if you can call it that -- wanes within a few months, while immunity following natural infection lasts well 12-24 months, with subsequent infections being significantly milder (which may be at least partly because subsequent Covid mutations have been milder, as expected).
As it turns out, it's difficult to tease out who (other than the elderly and the immunocompromised) was really at significant risk from Covid, as health officials completely failed to address vitamin D deficiency, which is a major risk factor for Covid complications and severity, and is also a global health issue.
In 2020, infected people were given ZERO guidance on managing a novel viral infection at home, but were merely told to stay home until they turned blue, at which point they went to the ER where they were given remdesivir and put on ventilators, neither of which seem to me to be based on sound science. In fact, by June 2020, the consensus was that ventilators were doing more harm than good for most patients.
So what did Moderna (and Pfizer) prove, other than how easy it is to get people to believe that a cleverly marketed drug is holy water?
Even for that, they didn't prove it by themselves. They had massive help from US health officials and from the news media (who failed at their job of asking tough questions).
Vinay - from the first sentence of your Covid vaccine paper (cited in your piece): "The COVID-19 vaccine has been a miraculous, life-saving advance, offering staggering efficacy in adults...". Ouch. It's the proliferation of nonsense like this that probably got them their medal. I know, I know - that was the admission fee, the price of getting it published. Still...
I agree. I was very surprised to read the introduction to this paper as it was gushing with positive words about the vaccine. Being a person who decided not to get the vaccine, and who is relieved and happy that I did not, due to the fact that more and more news of medical issues, covering up deaths during the trials, etc, is revealed. Unfortunately I predict that much more issues will come to light in the next several years, and none of it good.
yes, i can't imagine that those shots have saved a single life! the people who survived covid did so despite grotesque lethal medical interventions
to the red Pilled ER Nurse who liked my comment- i'm sure we'd all LOVE to hear your hospital experiences!
true, it seems piled on a bit thick. the time has come to call things by what they are and stop living by lies. let's call men in dresses MEN. let's call cutting off children's genitals CRIMINAL MUTILATION. let's call the covid vaccines A SNEAKY WAY TO TRICK PEOPLE INTO TAKING UNTESTED GENE THERAPY THAT WILL PROBABLY THIN OUT THE HERD. let's call demanding that people stay locked in their homes in violation of Constitutional rights ILLEGAL IMPRISONMENT. let's call the assault on "misinformation" AN ATTACK ON THE FIRST AMENDMENT. let's call DEI policies RACISM. let's call the mainstream media OBSOLETE. words have power. we must speak truth to those who speak falsehoods.
I appreciate you are your reporting so much. Thank you 🙏🇺🇸
I am sure they enjoyed the $100B more…
Your article that was linked to was very thorough except you forgot to mention VAERs and all the toxicities and cancers now arising from these gene therapies ( not really vaccines) and the contaminants in the product which to me is the most important piece of information that needs to be discussed - totally pulled off mkt until we know the genetic risks and all the side effects possible.
Talk about ugly. Devalues the award. As structured, huge profits with no risk. They should decline.
Evil Incarnate. That's all I got.
Interesting point that pharma donated more to Kamala's campaign than to Trump's. The thing is, I'm not sure it's any better when they donate equally to both sides. I mean, doesn't that ultimately mean they can control both sides?
Why should they be allowed to donate at all?
Apparently Bernie Sanders receives the most pharmaceutical money, followed by Elizabeth Warren.
Bernie pledges not to accept pharma/health insurance money -- but in the very next paragraph, he says he'll take it as long as it's under $200.
Talk about waffling...
Good to hear. The proof will be when the next list comes out. Maybe he won’t be number one anymore?
Should be no surprise. Well deserved. Moderna & Pfizer perfected propaganda…media control—learned lessons from prior aborted scamdemics—well coordinated effort— excellent efficient use of technology — made a few people abundantly rich— fucked over millions more…gosh, the payoff of “genomics!” golf clap
It would have made exactly as much sense in my opinion to give the prestigious medal to Hulk Hogan instead of to these corporate thugs.
Pfizer has paid over $11 BILLION in fines, fees, settlements for violations, etc. since 2000. See Violation Tracker, Good Jobs First.
... a minor "cost of doing business." No execs ever have to cough up though.
Read The Pfizer Papers by Dr. Naomi Wolf to see how this medal given to these companies is completely and totally unacceptable and dangerous. They harmed so many clueless individuals who cannot get government help for their injuries. Read Worth the Shot? to see how that played out. If you look at the people and companies who were given these awards, think George Soros, it might make you question what is really going on in this country, if you haven’t already! Very sad!
George Soros, Hilary Clinton, Liz Cheney all received what used to be a prestigious award, now rendered worthless, and something that a person with integrity might want to refuse on principle so that the person doesn’t have to be in the company of some of the most evil people who have worked very hard to undermine and damage our country.
Agree that the medal is uncalled for when you make 100 billion. That aside, most comments are extremely negative, denouncing conspiracies and ignoring science. It’s possible to have an effective vaccine that protects mostly unvaccinated older people at risk that had not been exposed to the virus, with a poorly executed pandemic response that includes health authorities misinforming the public, lazy media and greedy blood sucking drug companies.
As a research chemist who worked in this industry for decades I can tell you there is nothing can be done to stop them. The problem is doctors who believe FDA approval is an endorsement. The doctors prescribe their POS technology without questioning it, providing the money that makes pharma so powerful, giving them the ability to manipulate the message.
I've been trying to expose fraud I've witnessed for years, no one listens. The FDA will investigate YOU if you complain, I know, they did it to me.
Check out the wiki page for tivantinib, see my comments in the talk section about a company Pfizer "collaborated" with called arqule. POS junk science. Then there was RGO Biosciences at the Pfizer incubator in SD, they were lying to Pfizer right under their noses and Pfizer was clueless. Many others to tell about.
Then there is LBQ657, that's my registration number, no evidence it does anything yet billions paid to a Swiss pharmaceutical company for it, a lot coming from medicare. Even worse Harvard professor Fishman is behind it all as former head of NIBR
I once reported to the FDA a company was lying about the qualifications of their CSO, he claimed a PhD in pharmacology from Harvard. I contacted record of him. The truth only a veterinary degree from the Carribbean, yet the FDA saw no problem with this allowing them to continue trials with Dana Farber.
Let's not forget omadacycline and Harvard's Wally Gilbert, more POS junk science. Read what Anand Swaminanthin has to say about it. They couldn't even do basic chemistry at paratek
I could go on and on.
Lots of good points, especially 10. It's bothersome that everyone seems to agree that Biden wasn't competent to run again (right after the first televised debate, what people said out loud went that way), but no one thinks it's a problem for him to have remained in office (commander in chief of the military, among other things).
The other thing is that it just smells bad for the executive branch to give a medal to corporations that are regulated by the executive branch. How would we react if (for example) JPMorganChase were given a medal by the federal government for one of its business decisions? We are in a bad place when well-informed people believe the regulatory apparatus is broken, but the majority of the country still thinks "FDA-approved" means what it meant in 1980.
with their $100 B, they should not only have to do post marketing studies but also to compensate the injured and the dead victims of their failed project, and to pay back salaries to all those who lost their jobs because they had the good sense and strength of character to refuse. i am one, fired from a job i loved and dedicated my life to for 40 years. i'd say pfizer and moderna, once they've paid the damages they've visited on the world- including all the future cancers, autoimmune diseases, "sudden" heart attacks and strokes still to come- they should be at zero or even in the red.
the biden administration has been a clown show. i am counting the seconds until they are gone. i've never been a political person, never cared who the president was considering they were all talk and didn't really affect the day to day lives of regular american people BUT this dreadful criminal destructive suicidal administration got me off the bench!
Don’t forget all that resistance and hesitancy Moderna, et al., had to overcome— nobody wanted them— they finally proved the miracle! and so fast!
But did they prove it?
Like Pfizer's Comirnaty, Moderna's Spikevax prevents neither infection nor transmission. Vaccine-induced mmunity -- if you can call it that -- wanes within a few months, while immunity following natural infection lasts well 12-24 months, with subsequent infections being significantly milder (which may be at least partly because subsequent Covid mutations have been milder, as expected).
As it turns out, it's difficult to tease out who (other than the elderly and the immunocompromised) was really at significant risk from Covid, as health officials completely failed to address vitamin D deficiency, which is a major risk factor for Covid complications and severity, and is also a global health issue.
In 2020, infected people were given ZERO guidance on managing a novel viral infection at home, but were merely told to stay home until they turned blue, at which point they went to the ER where they were given remdesivir and put on ventilators, neither of which seem to me to be based on sound science. In fact, by June 2020, the consensus was that ventilators were doing more harm than good for most patients.
So what did Moderna (and Pfizer) prove, other than how easy it is to get people to believe that a cleverly marketed drug is holy water?
Even for that, they didn't prove it by themselves. They had massive help from US health officials and from the news media (who failed at their job of asking tough questions).
To support my claim that immunity following infection lasts 12-24 months:
I notice that current articles (such as yesterday's Forbes article state that immunity following infection starts to wane after 3-4 months, but that seems misleading, as studies show both enough persistent antibodies and absence of infection for longer. In fact, it is vaccine-induced antibody response to Covid that can wanes significantly enough at 3 months to lead to breakthrough infections:,and%20lead%20to%20breakthrough%20infections.
"So what did Moderna (and Pfizer) prove, other than how easy it is to get people to believe that a cleverly marketed drug is holy water?"
Wow, good summary!!