I keep thinking "At some point, the adults will have to step in and take over at CDC/FDA, right, RIGHT???" Sadly no. So for me, with every study they (CDC et al) put out, there's an inverse square relationship with trust. And I am FAR FAR FAR to the right of that drop off curve. I dare say we're in the territory of criminal negligence. But I also know that NOTHING will come of it. Not with every MSM being lapdogs for Dr. Fauci.

Maybe Trump will say "Take the bivalent booster, it's AWESOME...'scuse me, 'scuse me...its GREAT" Then, every MSM and Doctors will shout "DON'T TAKE THE BIVALENT BOOSTER"

It's laughable, but I bet it'll play out exactly as above. There is precedent with AAP after all.

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Thank you so much Vinay. I got one for you:


This is the one they did when all the schools and employers were mandating the vaccine so that people with natural immunity from prior infection couldn’t get an exemption. Their science is so incredibly bad that a normal person with average intelligence (me) can read it and find the flaws. For reals. I’ll show you.

To start, the study design is absurd. The cohort is: all hospitalized patients with respiratory symptoms. Notice I didn’t say, ‘hospitalized patients with CoVid like symptoms’ because that could trick you into believing they did an actual study of vaxxed vs non vaxxed patients hospitalized with CoVid. No. They did a study which identified two groups: patients hospitalized with any respiratory virus who were CoVid vaccinated with no prior CoVid infection and patients hospitalized with any respiratory virus who were not vaccinated and had prior CoVid. Then they asked the question: in which group is there a higher PERCENTAGE of CoVid positive patients?

Well what good does that do us? We’re trying to stay out of the hospital here and not die of ANY respiratory virus. What we want to know is how many vaxxed vs unvaxxed are ending up in the hospital?

So if that’s your goal, you can look on the charts to get your answer. Similar results across all the subcategories but here’s Delta:

Total vaccinated with any virus: 5,213

Total unvaccinated with any virus: 189

Total vaccinated who had CoVid: 306

Total unvaccinated who had CoVid: 19

MmmmK🤔. So how do they conclude you should get vaccinated ASAP??? Because 306 is only 5.9% of 5,213 while 19 is 10% of 189. 10% is much higher than 5.9%, see. Duh.

If we’re going to look at ratios, fuck. Look at which group is ending up hospitalized at a higher rate. I am not a scientist however, I do own a calculator:

5,213 vaccinated patients is 96.5% of all patients hospitalized with a respiratory virus during Delta.

The CoVid vaccine caused people to end up hospitalized with both Delta and other respiratory viruses at a much higher rate than non vaxxed with prior infection. Shouldn’t that have been the title?

I would so love it if you, an actual Doctor, would look at this study and give it a rake through. Is it really possible this is still published and has not garnished widespread criticism?

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I don't think the vaccine is causing the higher rates, but it reflects something about the study population that makes it worthless.

A cohort of people hospitalized for a respiratory illness tells us very little, because that is already going to be a less healthy than average population! Very few healthy adults in their 20s or 30s are going to wind up in the hospital from COVID, flu, bronchitis, etc. So even if it were beneficial for an at risk population to get vaccinated after infection, this study isn't saying anything about the value of, say, multiple boosters for a young person who has already had COVID.

Also, omicron is less severe than delta.

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Ok, but this is the data they used to mandate the vaccine on everyone.

I think the main conclusion is that no one had any right (government, schools, employers) to force the vaccine, especially on the CoVid recovered, but on anyone for that matter because this is evidence that natural immunity is in fact superior. This whole pandemic could have ended a lot sooner had they just allowed people to make their own decisions, risk assessment and treatment choices. Had they just allowed Doctors to be the Doctors.

I also think it indicates that the vaccinated now have a more compromised overall immune system and are more vulnerable to future variants as well as every other virus, because this is their data After they’ve manipulated it to the hilt Toward their own advantage.

May be hard to believe until you go down the rabbit hole and realize there is a long history of this. It’s nothing they haven’t gotten away with time and time again.

We need accountability.

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This will be used to continue mandating boosters for college students.

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People continue to see this CDC "data" as a reason to require vaccinations (still!) to attend functions, and to criticize those who say the evidence does not support the policy. They simply do not get the nuance of what is going on here.

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When will they stop?? This is getting so tiresome.

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It would seem that those in charge of “the science “ are really, really incompetent when it comes to producing actual studies that would hold up under scrutiny. Being generous here and not accusing them of manipulating the data to support their previously determined conclusions. When I graduated from medical school way back in the late 80s, the letter agencies had a pretty good track record on public health. They lost me on this round when they started claiming natural immunity was not comparable to vaccine induced immunity. Because I had taken immunology, I knew this was wrong. And actually lived it, having gotten Covid in February of 21 (not from work or a patient, but from one of my own, young adult children). At that point, I saw no need to be vaccinated, as I had immunity. Fast forward to August. Enrolled in antibody study, and still had antibodies 6 months out to both spike and “n” antigens. Take different child back to college, spend 48 hours in close proximity only to discover she’d been exposed to delta three days earlier and that mild fatigue and headache were her initial symptoms. Never got sick, had two negative PCRs prior to being allowed to return to work because I wasn’t vaccinated. In November, at my next antibody study appointment, my “n” antibodies had tripled and “S” had quadrupled from August levels. Amazing what the body can do. And I watched as they approved the vaccine for children based on the vaccine producing antibodies that were considered protective in the young adult population, but my naturally acquired antibodies were insufficient protection. Amazed that the CDC explained children needed the vaccines because they were at high risk. Having lived through the 2009 swine flu pandemic and now Covid, I saw way more sick kids with the previous than this one. I work in pediatric urgent care, have seen hundreds of kids with Covid, and only two of those that I sent to the ED, and one of those was because of abdominal pain, and not because of Covid. In the same period of time have sent numerous kids with RSV, and other viral illnesses (summer of 21 was the worst summer I ever experienced as far as illnesses in kids, and Covid was very low in our community at the time- I think that at least in part this was a consequence of the isolation and masking that ended in our area in late spring of 21). This is a long winded way of saying that the “experts “ got so much wrong in the past three years, attacked reasonable physicians who dared to question the predetermined narrative, made decisions and justified those decisions by their “data”, harmed many children with unnecessary masking and social isolation, and to this day refuse to acknowledge their many errors, and blame the mistrust on social media and those who questioned. They’ve earned the mistrust just by the way they’ve handled the pandemic from almost day one.

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Even if everyone acknowledges the limitations of this slide, the problem is that it argues against the necessary equipoise for doing a prospective controlled vaccine trial. It suggests the argument that we cannot do any more vaccine trials because we already know that the harm to the control group makes the trial unethical.

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In other news...

"Not Getting Vaccinated? It Is a Matter of Problem-Solving Abilities and Socio-Cognitive Polarization"


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Great word salad! I recently read of another “study” that showed just the opposite. Oh, please stop it everyone, my stomach is killing me! So much “science” and so little knowledge.

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What do think are the odds the authors have pronouns in bio if I were to look them up on Twitter?

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Using more bad science to justify bad science.

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I mean, it doesn’t come close to the “poop study”, but that bar is pretty high.

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I have no clever comment about this paper. And I can't figure out to come up with one.

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Is there a link to the “CDC’s recent modeling exercise?” I cant find it.

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Carry on brave Doctor!

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Same flawless study technique as the ARizona school mask study. Their scientific studies are like Einstein’s definition of insanity. They keep doing it over and over.

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