To not separate by age is so obviously a sign of willful intent to obfuscate. I hate to say that but there is no other explanation. They cannot be that stupid

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Absolutely! And that goes for these researchers, and also for all the people/organisations/governments who did the same when promoting the risks of covid. Trying to make a healthy 20 year old terrified that their risk was the same as an 80 year old with multiple comorbidities in an effort to push vaccination (before the further unethical step of full-blown mandates) was also blatantly dishonest.

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Merely dishonest? How about criminal?

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I, for one, am thankful that you will not just let the travesties inflicted upon us during the Covid response fade into history. The people harmed and killed deserve some modicum of justice. At least an acknowledgement of the truth of what happened. I will not let it go, for the sale of my beloved father-in-law, who died of a series of strokes 6 weeks after receiving his first dose. He did not want to get the vaccine, but was pressured by doctors in order to not give Covid to his sick and frail wife.

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That’s horrible. And one of many horrible stories among many.

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I'm so sorry this happened to your father-in-law, it is unforgivable.

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Emotional black mail. Disgusting.

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I had Covid (the virus did go to my lungs so I am speaking of the actual disease and not the virus) and chose to not be vaccinated because I was satisfied that the evidence of immunity following infection was solid - if I couldn’t develop immunity from the illness how could a vaccine possibly build on that when vaccination immunity isn’t able to provide superior immunity - its sole goal is disease prevention or complication reduction. For my decision I was excluded from society (doubly so as I couldn’t mask even if I had wanted to) and I have to admit I still harbor strong feelings about those years.

I keep hoping official science will catch up with the painfully obvious. I appreciate your continued discussion in this.

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The unvaccinated being excluded from society was the creepiest aspect by far. It was not logical - if someone is vaccinated with an effective vaccine, then anyone else’s status is irrelevant. It was clearly a way to create a subclass of people to feel superior to.

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Sadly it’s *socially* not only logical, it’s typical in such crazed times. When I came across Rene Girard’s theories on mimetics and scapegoating, a big lightbulb went off. It’s a feature of humanity to be tribal, separating in positive and negative groupings….

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This was such basic logic. I had the same issue - except we didn't exclude from society in FL generally. The answers I got were, " well you could get it again but a MORE serious case" or "you could get it again with no symptoms and then spread it to someone else" 😖

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Yes - I couldn't understand how anyone could expect a vaccine to work if natural immunity didn't work. It's not like vaccines are some magical force that can create immunity where natural infection isn't able to. (nor can they prevent the virus from entering the body - it's not a magical force field!)

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"We repeatedly see researchers saying that COVID-19 is still worse than vaccination, but this is dishonest."

Absolutely! This argument is blatantly dishonest and fails to stand on its own merits. It is also absurd as it completely fails to take into consideration that a person who takes the risk of vaccination, still faces the risk of covid because the vaccines DO NOT STOP TRANSMISSION!!!!!

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First, thank you Dr. Prasad for promoting real science over "faith-based" science.

Laine, thank you for your comment. I'm with you. When I first read it I thought it was the ultimate slam dunk. Then I remembered that the vax pushers pivoted from the unscientific claim that "it stops transmission" to "it protects against hospitalization and death". This supposed protection from the the worst effects of COVID supports the vaxxers' rationalization that the vaccine's risk is still worth it.

Lately I've been thinking about how aggressively they gave these intramuscular shots without aspirating the syringe (i.e. pulling back on the plunger after inserting the needle to ensure it's not in a blood vessel). It's my understanding that most countries avoided this practice to minimize "discomfort". They basically accepted that some percentage of the recipients would receive the dose directly in a blood vessel. Is it me, or is this flagrant malpractice?

Many vaccine victims report a metallic taste in their mouth within a minute or two of the shot. This seems to be evidence of injection into a blood vessel. When they report their injury, Establishment forces align to ignore, silence, discredit, and gaslight them. Aside from the known and unacknowledged adverse events, injecting without aspiration demonstrates the vax pushers' willingness to harm people. When they subsequently abandon their wounded on the battlefield, they expose the full depth of their depravity.

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Thank you for your kind words, and your comments. :)

Yes, I absolutely acknowledge and agree that there was a clear pivot from "you won't get it or transmit it if you get vaccinated" to "your case will be less severe if you're vaccinated" (so you should still do it). Personally, I accept another person's right to determine their own risk/benefit whether I agree with their calculations or not (although I also acknowledge this was virtually impossible here given the vast unknowns of a new technology, making informed consent very problematic), but I certainly expect the same courtesy. In any case, I actually think this claim is also highly questionable (especially in the absence of appropriate risk stratification), but it's much less obvious to the average person if this claim is false, as opposed to transmission when virtually everyone got covid regardless of vaccination status so it was practically irrefutable and vaccine enthusiasts were forced to admit this (although there are still some die-hards).

I hear what you're saying about aspiration, too. Unfortunately I don't think we'll know if some people had inadvertent intravascular administrations as the whole purpose of aspiration is to ensure this doesn't happen (and if you don't do it, you don't know for sure). The taste in the mouth is certainly a concerning factor, despite not being conclusive evidence. I was a nurse for many years and was taught and always practiced aspiration for any intramuscular injection, so I was indeed perplexed to see the official line change to suggest it wasn't necessary or that some minor discomfort outweighed it's benefit of safety (by ensuring intravenous administration was not mistakenly performed). Just another curious official position that didn't make sense.

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Keep in mind that many other vaccines present the same risks, such as the MMR/Measles vaccines that filled emergency rooms in Contra Costa County, California in 1986. RIP Cassandra Danielle Garner⚘️

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Gardisil is also a disaster of injuries and unproven benefit

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Not true. Gardasil is in the same boat as MMR. Victim of bad propaganda. Maybe if you watch a 35 yo needlessly bleed to death from cervical cancer you might have a different opinion.

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Stop with the emotional hyperventilating. Cervical cancer deaths were way down even before Gardasil thanks to earlier diagnosis from regular pap smears.

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Oh dear - here comes the anti-vaxx army. Your statement is incorrect. Please cite your sources. In the meantime why don't you take off the tinfoil hat and read these primary sources:


https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2790165; https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapediatrics/fullarticle/2786461



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Fuck you, you condescending shill, how’s that for a source.

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be kind please

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Hahahaaa. What's the matter sweetheart? Can't take the heat? Get out of the kitchen. And take your tin foil hat with you. Bye!

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anti-vaxx army = pro science army. we follow the science and only the science!

pro-vaxx army = anti-science scientism religion army. you are in a religion not based on good science RNK1409. Your religion is based on big pharma fantasy world wishful "what we say it is" science. Let me guess you probably believe statins are good, cholesterol is the primary cause of heart disease, vaccines absolutely do not cause autism, and that the FDA, CDC, NIH can be generally trusted and are not cesspools of corruption who are completely captured by industry and are far more motivated by money, power, greed, and insecurity of being wrong than by compassion, truth, and real science! Their science is the science of "what we say it is", i.e. the religion of scientism!

II wish I had time to address your very incorrect views on the Gardasil vaccine, one of the most destructive vaccines ever foisted on the public, children in fact, and which has no real proven benefits!! And causes unimaginable atrocities including death! It was brought to market in total fraud committed by BOTH the FDA and Merck! which you seem to know nothing about! But you are so brainwashed, like the typical pro-vaccine zealot who can quote a few studies, it would take a lot of effort to argue with you about it, which i dont have time for ... but you should look at all the pre-licensure trial data, you might find some surprises! You should also look at the very unusual type of aluminum that is used in this vaccine and the studies on this type of aluminum. It is NOT good!

And about the MMR, i have one word for you : Simpsonwood! If you dont know what that is, its because you need to educate yourself better! If you do know what that is, then you are lying about the MMR just having a bad wrap because of "bad propaganda"!

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Rejoice that you don't have to take the HPV vaxx and pray that you never have to know or love anyone whose exposure to HPV caused cancer (and that includes Head and Neck cancers, BTW - they are HORRIFIC). Unfortunately you ingest more aluminium from your pots and pans every day than you would get from Gardasil. As for the MMR... the main culprit behind the sudden increase in austism dx in the US has to do with the broadening of the diagnostic criteria in 1987 and then again in 1994. That was done to enable these kids with soft developmental delay findings to receive an actual diagnosis that would then allow them to access services. I would know. I am a geneticist and saw first hand the explosion in diagnoses. I will say this: no medical intervention is without risk. So yes, all vaxxes carry some risk. The trouble here is that in some cases one person has to bear the risk, and many people benefit. That's always the push/pull of public health vs. patient-in-your-office medicine. And no, it's not easy.

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May 6·edited May 6

When the vaccine first came out, the local San Francisco paper published an article where a UCSF researcher commented that Gardasil should not have been approved and it was likely to be dangerous. I never heard about that again. I guess the drug company managed to crush those opinions.

It doesn't work on all forms of HPV anyhow.

Cervical cancer is much, much rarer in Western countries than it used to be. The claim is that is due to the use of the Pap smear but others claim it's due to better hygiene.

In developing countries, the vaccine might be worthwhile, but one has to weigh the potential danger of the vaccine. We don't know what that actually is because it's not being studied. The price of the vaccine also is an issue in developing countries.

In developing countries, health care is often too expensive for the poor so many diseases including cervical cancer are diagnosed and treated too late (if at all) so the outcomes are worse.

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I have a close personal friend who was severely injured by her Gardisil shot and I know there are many many reports of injuries and they haven’t been taken seriously.

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vaccine injuries are never taken seriously or even recognized as such. that would disturb the status quo mythology and tear down one of the pillars upon which modern medicine rests it's sorry ass

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Its sorry ass indeed! Louder for people in the back! 🙌

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Here’s the funny thing. HPV likely comes from within, not exogenously, and may rarely be contagious. I’d also argue that the data that shows a causal link between cancer and HPV are likely corrupted and fraudulent like much of modern medicine.

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There were drops in cervical cancer incidence in the 1970s when the PAP smear was implemented and recommended annually, and then again when HPV testing was added to it I think in the 1990s. The HPV carrier rate is close to 80% and many infected women don't develop SCC, but some do. HPV testing can tell us who's more likely to develop SCC, but the biggest issue in the US is that we lose many women to follow up for PAPs/colpo/etc. And unfortunately many of them are from lower SES groups, which continues the health inequities in this country. Gardasil fixes that. Whether therefore we should only offer it to low SES kids, b/c rich kids get their PAPs and have better access to follow up care is an ethical issue I don't want to take on. But I agree that it is an unaffordable luxury in many other countries.

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It’s not just the cervical cancers. You all realize that the rates of hpv related head and neck cancers is growing rapidly. It is particularly noticeable in men age 40 to 55, given the acceptance of oral sex. Sadly, oral sex is a major vector for hpv related cancers. It’s not just anal and cervical cancers to consider. I’ve seen people post head and neck surgery, I won’t wish that fate on anyone.

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There's something they don't teach you in sex ed. I sadly learned about the source of HPV/Head and neck cancers in my 30's.

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While true, all vaccines present risks, with mRNA we are facing huge unknowns. All we really know is that people don't drop dead immediately after injection, but long term effects are still unknown.

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There are cases where people had to be taken to the emergency room during the post injection waiting period. Did they die? I'm assuming some of them did.

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My friend had to go to the ER because she couldn't swallow post vaccine. I contracted a case of the Shingles post vaccine. Not fun.

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This is true, however, proof of illness or antibodies is sufficient proof of immunity for mmr so they at least don’t force vaccinate immune people needlessly. (Though I don’t support mandatory vaccination under any circumstance)

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Just “producing antibodies” to prove immunity is likely a scam as well, created to “prove” vaccine effectiveness.

It’s time to question everything

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Absolutely false statement on many levels, how about asymptomatic infections? Antibodies are not the only human immune system defense, and we only understand some of them. Antibodies that are produced as the reaction to mRNA manufacturing spike proteins ( and what else, when cell producing spike dies?) will never match pathogens because they have already mutated. And now we see tremendous amount of side effects from mRNA and let's not forget, mRNA has never passed clinical trials until this, and only under bogus emergency powers.

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Antibody testing isn’t perfect but it absolutely is accepted as proof of measles immunity for the purposes of getting into nursing school or med school. Read the thread you’re replying to before jumping to assumptions. Mmr is not an mRNA vaccine. Nor are Covid vaccines the first vaccines to be mandated among certain portions of the population.

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May 5·edited May 5

mRNA is so unstable even at body temperature that the vaxx had to be shipped in frozen containers. I dont think the COVID vaxx should have been mandated but mRNA is getting a really bad rap for really no reason whatsoever.

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May 6·edited May 6

That's true of natural mRNA, but the stuff in the vaccine was modified to be more stable and that is the reason that the spike proteins continue to be manufactured inside the bodies of some of the people who received the vax.

I remember when the vax was supposed to be stored at a cold temperature but that restriction went away rather quickly. Either it wasn't really important or the drug companies didn't give a damn.

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The modified mRNA still only lasts for 30 mins at 37C. Unmodified its 10 min. mRNA doesn’t persist in the cytoplasm even if modified past 30 mins and most certainly doesnt affect the DNA structure permanently. Unless humans suddenly develop a reverse transcriptase enzyme a la the bacteria living in lava flows. Also- not sure why people think the spike protein from a vaxx is worse than the one from the virus itself. They’re literally the same.

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Then why do they find the spike protein in the body much later post vaccine? https://www.nature.com/articles/s41541-023-00742-7

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Re : "not sure why people think the spike protein from a vaxx is worse than the one from the virus itself. They’re literally the same. " Well one rational reason is this : there is about 10 times the amount of spike protein that ends up in the body from the vaccine as does from the virus infection itself!

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False! You do not mention that the mRNA comes in little toxic lipid nano particles made of Polyethylene glycol and is composed of pseudouridine both of which prevent normal breakdown. Here is a study showing the mRNA particles last at least 8 weeks in some tissues: https://www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(22)00076-9. There is also very good evidence that the mRNA either reverse transcribes into permanent DNA or modulates the DNA to produce harmful proteins. See for example : https://www.jeremyrhammond.com/2022/09/15/can-mrna-covid-19-vaccines-alter-your-dna/. According to Dr. Peter McCullough Pfizer put an endogenous reverse transcription enzyme into the their vaccine that could potentially cause this! See also https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33330870/

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Really? No reason at all? Thats either a lie or you are misinformed. First of all,in saying this, you are stating that there is nothing wrong with human cells producing foreign toxic proteins? Please explain why that should not be a problem? Once you explain that i would also like you to defend your position that there are "no reason(s) whatsoever" to be concerned about mRNA technology after reading this paper by Seneff and NIgh on the many potential problems with mRNA technology : https://ijvtpr.com/index.php/IJVTPR/article/view/23. You're so smart im sure you can read this and actually understand it and then explain why none of the reasons given for concern are valid. Please. Finally, please explain why there is no concern with the N2-methyl-pseudouridine used in the COVID mRNA, which has been shown to both suppress immunity (which likely increases cancer risk) and cause ribosomal frameshifting which then can cause off-target unknown proteins to be produced from which the effects are unknown?

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Well thank you for informing me. I feel much smarter now that some computer science geek from MIT and some quack oncologist published in some Journal of Underwater Basketweaving their thoughts on "plausible scenarios". Real science there. Good luck to you.

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Good job scientism disciple!

The scientism response is typically something like this:

1. Ignore good science and adhere to "science" is what we say it is, dammit! And there can be no debate or alternative perspective, period!

2. suppress and marginalize other perspectives with name calling/gas lighting rather than actually present a real science based argument or evidence

So, well Done! Billy G would be so proud.

I assume you realize that the progression of "real" science comes from presenting, debating, disussing solid scientific basis for alternative "plausible scenarios" which challenge the current belief or dogma!

On the other hand, Scientism, the destruction of "real" science, says there cannot be debate about alternative "plausible scenarios", regardless of any data or scientific basis, because science is what we say it is. End of discussion!

Good luck yourself with that kind of approach!

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1. Is Duke still requiring children to get C19 vax to qualify for organ transplants?

2. 30 colleges still have mandates for students.

3. Most medical schools and nursing programs have mandates for ‘clinicals’.

Apparently this is ok with the majority of the medical community? What moves the needle on this?

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Absolutely appalling, isn't it? I wish I knew the answer to your question. I still can't quite believe my former colleagues (I was a nurse in Australia) allowed this to happen at all, let alone STILL don't seem bothered.

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I guess fear of employment reprisals (still a reality) and a wish to move on and put the horrors behind them with a naivety that this sorry episode couldn't 'rinse and repeat'

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Absolutely, reprisals were no doubt the main factor (like many other professions), yet I had hoped medical professionals would hold themselves to a higher ethical standard on an issue like this. I do have some empathy, but mostly I'm furious and disgusted by the way this behaviour has affected patients, the medical professions, and broader society.

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May 5·edited May 5

The opening to the abstract of Vinay's paper bothers me:

"The COVID-19 vaccine has been a miraculous, life-saving advance, offering staggering efficacy in adults, and was developed with astonishing speed."

I can think of very few miracle drugs (Gleevec comes to mind) and certainly not the Covid vaccine.

The clinical trials were a mess if Brook Jackson's experience is typical. I have no idea why anybody would believe any of the literature from the drug companies.

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Yes, thanks for noting this. As "smokegetsinyoureyes" mentioned, publishing pressure demands the de rigeur praise for the medical machine very prominently declared. It's the "open sesame" password needed even to get in the door to say something which is undeniably true.

Vinay has put himself out there to tell the truth about many aspects of the murderous first phase of the Plandemonium--he spoke out about the folly and harms of masking and pointed to the harms of the shots early on. I applaud and thank him for this!

Sadly, though, many in the VaccinesUberAlles camp will not read past that opening tithe paid to the church of chemical "health" management.

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May 6·edited May 6

If the article for a drug is favorable, I would expect some praise. But calling this trash "miraculous" in 2024 is over the top. And its efficacy was way overstated....Vinay should know that by now. Praise them if it's necessary but is it necessary to kiss their behinds?

Did it save some lives? Possibly. But how many old people died from it, since that seems to be the group that Vinay thinks benefited? We don't know the numbers on any of this so how can we conclude anything about its value?

I appreciate Vinay's opinions. Otherwise I wouldn't pay to read his substack. But many of us are still waiting for him to come around to understand the real problems with this vaccine and not just for young men and children.

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Perhaps one could read it as sarcasm.

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Funding / the “need” to be published…

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You are still in denial if you believe these bio weapons are anything but deadly

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I noticed that none of the authors of that paper was US based. There is probably a reason for that, I’m guessing that any US doctor knows where the money is, and is not in studying adverse effects too closely.

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I have been looking into statins a while back, after I came across a statement from Stanford researcher claiming statins are the biggest fraud in the history. The most comprehensive study I came across on statins came out of Japan in 2015....basically stating that there is no significant benefit to statins. FDA came out few years later suggesting more people should be put on statins, which imo is absurd. Yes, American research is highly tained, NIH funding goes a long way to make sure people stay in their lane.

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You are MY HERO!! Thank you for having the courage to speak out.

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May 5·edited May 5

All of us who never ascribed to taking the EUA mRNA ‘injections’ and did not get them…are not surprised at these findings. And we won’t be so crass as to say..”I told you so”, even though we certainly do think that. And know of people who were “injured” and or are dead, as a result of taking those EUA mRNA COVID vaccines.

In my case, I have a first cousin and second cousin in their 70’s who were “found dead” in their apartments in Daly City, CA and San Juan Capistrano, CA, over the past year and some.

My first cousin (71 years old) worked for HUD (a government agency). He was mildly ‘developmentally disabled’ from cerebral palsy, and held a job at HUD for over 40 years, retired in December 2022, and was found dead in his apartment, (in Daly City) in late January 2023. He got the ‘COVID injections’ to keep his job with the federal government. His autopsy COD ( from County of San Mateo) was “PROBABLE HYPERTENSIVE CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE”.

The second cousin (78 years old) was a female. She got the COVID-19 ‘ injections and boosters’, when they came out.

In November of 2023, “she got COVID”. She was too sick to go back to work at the part time job she had for many years, and had not been able to work for 5 months. Then she was diagnosed with some type of ‘heart condition’ earlier this year. She had just had some type of scan or MRI done, and went home. Her stepdaughter came back to check on her a day later and found her dead in her apartment. This just happened over the Easter weekend.

So not only do these EUA mRNA ‘COVID 19 injections’ cause the myriad of diseases and conditions listed here in Vinay’s Substack, they kill people as well.

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I'm so sorry for your losses. 💔

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I was not particularly close with these cousins. They were on my mother’s side of my family. My Aunt, (who is the mother of my first cousin, and the 1st cousin of the woman who passed away in SoCA,)is in serious ‘denial’ as to what could have brought on their ‘sudden deaths’. She is 93, also EUA mRNA ‘vaxxed and boosted’, is frail and not in good health. She commented that Ann (her first cousin) “died like Mark” her son and my first cousin. Oh my isn’t that a coincidence!

When I heard of their passing, I knew right way what had happened to both of them and the likely “cause of their deaths”, as I knew they were both ‘vaccinated with the EUA mRNA injections’. Their deaths are but a part of the ‘collateral damage’ that has happened to us all, as a result of the Scamdemic, that was brought down upon us.

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Are their stories mentioned in Mark Crispin Miller’s stack News from the Underground, documenting these types of events?

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May 6·edited May 6

No they are not mentioned in MCM’s Substack…they were just everyday average older people who were ‘victims’ of the EUA mRNA ‘injections’ that eventually took their lives. Of which there are likely millions of people now.

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Sadly too true. Heartbreaking. 🙏

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I am diabetic, my retinas were in good health prior to my vaccination. Because I'm diabetic my eyes are monitored every 6 months, after getting the vaccine my optometrist said my eyes had aged 15 years in 6 months.

I had micro aneurysms that have broken out all over my retinas and nerves appear to be damaged at the back of my eyes. The damage wasn't severe enough to impact my vision at that point but it is greatly accelerated the degradation of my eyes in advance of my diabetic condition.

In other words it was abnormal and he commented that he had never seen such an acceleration.

It is quite possible I will need advance intervention earlier than was anticipated, the treatments are likely to cost an enormous amount of money but it doesn't sound like there's going to be any compensation for this sort of damage.

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There are lawsuits being filed right now to overturn the PREP act. If that happens, the drug companies lose their immunity for vaccine damage. We'll see.

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The PREP act should never have passed in the first place. Let’s pray it gets overturned just like all the corrupt crap that’s being going on for so many years is getting exposed!!!

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I'm so sorry that happened to you

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That's terrible, sorry to hear. At least your optometrist recognized the unusual acceleration and hopefully made the connection. There are two people close to me with eye complications post jabs, one required many injections for left branch retinal vein occlusion with suspected macular edema.

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Thank you, however it’s important to see this debacle as the apogee (so far) of decades-long regulatory capture by the pharma-industrial complex and not a one off.

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I get your point re political pressure, but I think it’s important to remember than even Trump / Republicans had a huge hand in all this. Trump still raves about how he got the FDA to get these things approved faster and he brags about his part in getting this vax out. It’s way more than political.

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I believe that corruption is no respecter of political party. The entities we "hire" to do this work, and rely upon to be the watchdogs for those that don't know any better are the biggest disappointment and have too many ties to big money.

The government officials, the medical journal publishers who suppressed, censored and vilified these findings have even greater culpability and in my opinion, demonstrated corruption or willful participation in a darker plot.

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Well said.

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Dr Prasad - regarding your paper, what cohort of people are you referring to when you say the vax was a miracle and saved so many people? Presumably covid-naive above 60 year olds? Would you still make that statement? Thanks

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Thank you for being a smart med student to question things and not just be a follower.

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I respect your opinions, but I often find myself wondering why, after four years, you remain convinced that the COVID-19 vaccines were a 'good idea' for certain groups, such as high-risk populations.

You have described the COVID-19 vaccine as 'a miraculous, life-saving advance, offering staggering efficacy in adults, and developed with astonishing speed.' Your words, not mine.

However, around the world, vaccine injuries (including 'turbo cancers,' among others) and excess mortality only increased after these so-called 'vaccines' were introduced. Perhaps you should consider reading some of Denis Rancourt's work (denisrancourt.ca).

How does 'a miraculous, life-saving advance' align with staggering levels of vaccine injury and excess mortality? Your words of admiration for this gene therapy and its results don't quite add up.

Furthermore, you still seem to advocate for the concept of 'asymptomatic infections'—or am I mistaken?

I do admire you for criticizing the COVID response by authorities, but why can't you simply state, 'This medical intervention didn't and doesn’t work and should be stopped'?

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