Disappointing is being very kind. They are either evil, stupid or both...I have finally settled on both. Nothing else explains what we have seen from there the past four years.
I am surprised you find it disappointing that the CDC has lied yet again. They've been lying consistently for the past 4 years, and well before that their lying was already egregious. Surely you can't be surprise that this organization has once again misled with its publications. I personally find it shocking when they say or publish anything that sounds vaguely credible!
The definitive test is the time series cohort analysis. When I did this on the NZ data, the signal was CRYSTAL clear. This is exactly why the UK ONS has REFUSED to produce a granular time-series cohort analysis, even after being asked by 7 MPs.
Professor Prasad could request the record level from the UK ONS if he wants to find the truth and run the time series analysis. I'll provide the code no charge :)
I can't request the data myself as I'm not affiliated with an institution.
Death within 100 days isn’t the only negative heart outcome of receiving the vaccine. IMO it’s not a useful end point for whether or not young men should receive infinite COVID vaccines.
See how much dr Campbell has moved in his trust of these institutions and journals over the course of the Covid fraud. Hopefully many more in the medical field make the same trip.
Mid 2021 I decided that dr Campbell was going to be the pro vaxx guy I was going to follow to balance out my position. I didn’t agree with him but his integrity and honesty were absolutely obvious. Then watching him transform from there to where he is now has been an amazing journey, he took it standing up, and rather than sink away as what he understood his world to be was collapsing, he apologized for his naivety and has embraced being a catalyst to the great awaking taking place.
It was fascinating to watch his transformation. I didn't realize it at the time but I was on a similar trajectory. I started out as a big believer in the vaccine because I trusted the government/CDC/FDA. But then I started noticing that what the media was reporting and what the government/CDC/FDA were saying was not consistent with what I saw/figured out.
He deserves a Nobel Price. When everything was chaotic during the plandemic and they were feeding us bullshit just to scare us I decided he was going to be my only source of information and Im so glad I did. He is honest, humble and seeks the truth.
Yes, I watched it, too. I knew from other medical people I followed, that the vaccines where not what they said they were. I almost stopped followings Dr. Campbell when he said the vaccines were a good thing. Then I watched him change. A very humble and brilliant man.
Sorry Doctor the CDC no longer does science, It does narrative studies. It will only publish studies to confirm the pre approved narrative. Medical Science is dead.
any evolutionary biologist, farmer or even home gardener will tell you: if you select for one trait, it is at the expense of other traits. if the CDC is selecting for pharma money, power and political agendas, it is truth, merit and health that are being sacrificed.
during the pandemic, i was listening to TWIV until i couldn't stand it anymore. at one point they started parroting the covid-affects-POC-more-because-of-systemic-racism line and even said the belief that dark skinned people have lower levels of vitamin D was an example of said racism. funny how no one ever points to lupus or sickle cell anemia as being caused by systemic racism.
in other words, let's select for bullshit and toss reality overboard.
then they started saying that that anyone who wouldn't take the vaccine was a trump supporting, red neck, high school drop out. i was none of those things and still gave up my job of 40 years because i wouldn't take the shot. science, anyone?
this paper looks like it could have been written by rochele walensky.
Dishonesty is their standard policy and has been at least for the past several years. It would be more notable when they actually tell the truth for a change. I am not expecting that anytime soon though. The agency is rotten to the core by financial conflicts of interest.
The CDC seeks to be neither honest nor credible, so why look for it. The concentration of power - in this case, by way of "medicine" - is nearly complete. The only remedy is not reform of, but total dismantling of CDC, let states and counties establish protocols and standards, collaborate with other such entities **voluntarily** only when and as long as they see fit. Same for NIH, maybe keep the NCBI as a knowledge base but even that is $$$dirty$$$
From this article: " And we know for certain that men between 16 and 24 have a 1 in 3000 risk of myocarditis (from many studies) from dose 1 and roughly a 1 in 10,000 risk of myocarditis from dose 3 (KP experience). "
I am confused by this, because my understanding after reading prior studies and discussions of myocarditis and the mRNA vaccines is that the likelihood of harm INCREASES with each dose. What am I missing?
The CDC is fully corrupt as are many gov/t organizations and now the people know and are aware thanks to many people, yourself included.
Wow seriously?
Then they shouldn’t be getting our tax dollars at all.
Disappointing is being very kind. They are either evil, stupid or both...I have finally settled on both. Nothing else explains what we have seen from there the past four years.
I go with evil, ego and $$$$
I am surprised you find it disappointing that the CDC has lied yet again. They've been lying consistently for the past 4 years, and well before that their lying was already egregious. Surely you can't be surprise that this organization has once again misled with its publications. I personally find it shocking when they say or publish anything that sounds vaguely credible!
they've been lying way longer than 4 years!
The definitive test is the time series cohort analysis. When I did this on the NZ data, the signal was CRYSTAL clear. This is exactly why the UK ONS has REFUSED to produce a granular time-series cohort analysis, even after being asked by 7 MPs.
Professor Prasad could request the record level from the UK ONS if he wants to find the truth and run the time series analysis. I'll provide the code no charge :)
I can't request the data myself as I'm not affiliated with an institution.
I nominate you to be Director at CDC as soon as I can make a few phone calls to Washington. Pack yer bags bud!
Can you imagine? We’d actually get worthwhile studies with legit results!
Death within 100 days isn’t the only negative heart outcome of receiving the vaccine. IMO it’s not a useful end point for whether or not young men should receive infinite COVID vaccines.
I'm 0% disappointed. Their "findings" are on brand. They shred their credibility years ago.
Exactly! And their marketing sells their product.
See how much dr Campbell has moved in his trust of these institutions and journals over the course of the Covid fraud. Hopefully many more in the medical field make the same trip.
Mid 2021 I decided that dr Campbell was going to be the pro vaxx guy I was going to follow to balance out my position. I didn’t agree with him but his integrity and honesty were absolutely obvious. Then watching him transform from there to where he is now has been an amazing journey, he took it standing up, and rather than sink away as what he understood his world to be was collapsing, he apologized for his naivety and has embraced being a catalyst to the great awaking taking place.
It was fascinating to watch his transformation. I didn't realize it at the time but I was on a similar trajectory. I started out as a big believer in the vaccine because I trusted the government/CDC/FDA. But then I started noticing that what the media was reporting and what the government/CDC/FDA were saying was not consistent with what I saw/figured out.
I am still shocked by how naive I was.
He deserves a Nobel Price. When everything was chaotic during the plandemic and they were feeding us bullshit just to scare us I decided he was going to be my only source of information and Im so glad I did. He is honest, humble and seeks the truth.
Yes, I watched it, too. I knew from other medical people I followed, that the vaccines where not what they said they were. I almost stopped followings Dr. Campbell when he said the vaccines were a good thing. Then I watched him change. A very humble and brilliant man.
Sorry Doctor the CDC no longer does science, It does narrative studies. It will only publish studies to confirm the pre approved narrative. Medical Science is dead.
Correct. They work backwards from a desired conclusion. It’s simple really.
any evolutionary biologist, farmer or even home gardener will tell you: if you select for one trait, it is at the expense of other traits. if the CDC is selecting for pharma money, power and political agendas, it is truth, merit and health that are being sacrificed.
during the pandemic, i was listening to TWIV until i couldn't stand it anymore. at one point they started parroting the covid-affects-POC-more-because-of-systemic-racism line and even said the belief that dark skinned people have lower levels of vitamin D was an example of said racism. funny how no one ever points to lupus or sickle cell anemia as being caused by systemic racism.
in other words, let's select for bullshit and toss reality overboard.
then they started saying that that anyone who wouldn't take the vaccine was a trump supporting, red neck, high school drop out. i was none of those things and still gave up my job of 40 years because i wouldn't take the shot. science, anyone?
this paper looks like it could have been written by rochele walensky.
Whatever credibility the CDC previously attained vanished several years ago.
Dishonesty is their standard policy and has been at least for the past several years. It would be more notable when they actually tell the truth for a change. I am not expecting that anytime soon though. The agency is rotten to the core by financial conflicts of interest.
I had the same reaction when I read the paper. and by the way, the data is NOT available. It never is.
I do give credit to the author and media relations for getting right back to me with an answer.
The CDC seeks to be neither honest nor credible, so why look for it. The concentration of power - in this case, by way of "medicine" - is nearly complete. The only remedy is not reform of, but total dismantling of CDC, let states and counties establish protocols and standards, collaborate with other such entities **voluntarily** only when and as long as they see fit. Same for NIH, maybe keep the NCBI as a knowledge base but even that is $$$dirty$$$
P.S. Same for National Cancer Inst
The CDC reached its target audience and you are not in it.
From this article: " And we know for certain that men between 16 and 24 have a 1 in 3000 risk of myocarditis (from many studies) from dose 1 and roughly a 1 in 10,000 risk of myocarditis from dose 3 (KP experience). "
I am confused by this, because my understanding after reading prior studies and discussions of myocarditis and the mRNA vaccines is that the likelihood of harm INCREASES with each dose. What am I missing?
Thank You God
For Making Me
So Much Smarter
Than So Many Others.
I Owe You One.