In other words this is a product being given to healthy young people with no definite data supporting its benefit and data that are suspicious for a net harm … is that a fair assessment?

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Vinay, please give us your observations on the ADULT RSV vaccines too. I have held off on recommending until there was more safety data regarding new onset a-fib and guillain barre syndrome. I do not trust info from CDC anymore.

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Pfizer and Moderna have so many shots in development using the new mRNA platform, who would go near it at this point?

The March 28 investors meeting Moderna held, it’s all about sales, nothing to do with health. Just read the assessment of market opportunities, 1 in 200 babies are born with this or that, they will be able to find 100’s of things they will make a case that we should be stimulating the immune system for.

How about reserve the shots for the 1 in 1000th child that is born and determined to not have a properly functioning immune system. In wildlife management, disease and harsh winters are viewed as a positive to strengthen the herd, remove the weak and leave valuable resources for the healthy and young. Being human, advances in technology have allowed us to escape this harsh reality, but our over zealous approach to one size fits all in public health initiatives has bit us in the ass. We are injecting nearly all perfectly healthy babies with products that have known toxins, unless the parents are willing to be stigmatized as the worst of all possible things, the antivaxxer. But look at the vaxx verse unvaxxd studies, there is a compelling case that not only is vaccinating not beneficial, it’s likely detrimental.

More and more shots and higher and higher rates of chronic sickness have gone hand in hand. There are many things going on from processed foods, toxins in the environment to ever increasing vaccinations. With many of the problems relate to autoimmune issues, how could it be that the one thing on the list that it absolutely can’t be is the item that intentionally stimulates the immune system? One day it will be accepted that we over used vaccines and caused a disaster. But at this point they are still dreaming up as many as they can irrespective of there being a problem needing solving or not. All that matters is that pharma sales / profit go up.

It sure would be a bad time to be just finishing med school and entering the market right when doctors have fallen from the high pedestal of trust and respect that they had previously occupied for so long.

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I don't understand why anyone would take ANY PHARMACEUTICAL while pregnant. Thalidomide teach us anything???

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A "normal" reader e.g. the general public or almost every MD on earth would not catch these obfuscations to cover up an ineffective "product" ...

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I specifically remember when Emily Oster was glorifying this and I thought this woman is so dangerous….

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If it helps, because of what has happened and continues to happen to pregnant moms from the Covid vaccine, most are declining anymore or "other" vaccines. Trust is gone. (nurse)

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We at Operation Uplift posted this months ago; I don’t recommend these shots after studying the Arexvy studies in a deep dive.

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Vinay -- Excellent post. Besides all the other criticisms that you and the commenters here have listed, let me add something: The researchers choice of words is a linguistic tell that they are really sales reps, not scientists. To keep in line with their pharma paymasters, they pitch the product to appear favorable in any way possible, irrespective of actual data. This is barely distinguishable from the tactics of a car salesman.

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I also have an an issue with the pediatric trial and subsequent approval. Have you seen the study info on that one? Winter of 2020, odd endpoint, populations in eastern Europe and Africa. Curious to her your thoughts.

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I found the Red Pill to be terribly bitter and depressing. Once you truly stare into the dark abyss of Western medicine with open eyes, it does indeed stare right back.

It is amazing watching a sharp intellect like Vinay wake up to this nightmare.

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Article Information-Safety Concerns uses the term "birthing parent"...

Science,language and logic is being destroyed piece by piece....

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Stop experimenting on pregnant women. How is it possible any human being would run “experiments” on pregnant women, or on any woman of child bearing age.

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Really appreciate your efforts to male the Big Pharm activity available to the public.

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Would it be possible for VK Prasad biostatistic lab to review safety and efficacy, FDA approval process, conflict of interest with voting members.... for every vaccine approved in last 30 years?

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Even before this article, I had already cancelled my NEJM subscription after 30 years. I think NPR is next.

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