He loves the sound of his own voice sometimes a wee bit too much. And that’s a shame because he does seem to have a fine mind, obviously has lots of energy, and his modus operandi telegraphs proper curiosity about various disease processes and their proper management.
What you say is cool. What we have to continue is talking about the truth, which most people do not know. We must continue the fight, so that they disappear, although with the power they have, I doubt it.
We have been alerting humanity for more than 3 years. Those who listened to us are now alive. Those who don't are underground.
I have recently opened a substack where I share our research from these 4 years. Please spread.
Until public health officials (as opposed to ordinary people who were duped) acknowledge they were wrong and apologize. AND promise not to do this shit again, we can’t stop talking about it.
This is exactly what I think too. This was a human rights disaster on a epic scale. Not to mention that trust in science and doctors has probably been irrevocably damage. I find that the people who don't want to talk about it anymore are the very ones who were completely on board with all the stuffs in 2020 onward. Instead of apologizing or admitting they may have been wrong, I get: "I don't pay attention to that anymore." head-in-the-sand answers. I think if we stop pushing back then all those crazy mask wearers win. They still think they are holier than thou and any push back makes you a Trump supporting conspiracy theorist yahoo. My family still has not recovered from the evil people like Fauci & Collins have done to split us apart.
Totally agree. If the talk about this ends, there are still people who stand behind Fauci et al and refuse to acknowledge the falsehoods and the extreme damage they have done to the medical profession, to relationships, to the economy, who will continue to support any government medical rep because there were no consequences for Fauci and all the other freaks. Those freaks are counting on people's ignorance and misplaced loyalty to agencies that will again impose the same draconian restrictions and make billions on another "cure".
I can understand your point, but I believe your voice is crucial on this topic. The people who were, and are, driven by their political affiliations more than the welfare of the public have to be held accountable. You are one of the few who can separate the two and call out those who can’t. I know it must be hard because we all want to move on. But I think we still need you to speak about it.
Please keep talking about it. Half the folks in Seattle would like to pop us back in 2020. It’s delusional and anti scientific. But not talking about it will take us right back there....
I am conflicted. I think normals should no longer entertain CoVid discussions. But I think people like you and Jay Bhattacharya should keep exposing the lies and malfeasance. The bad actors would like nothing more than to sweep their misbehavior under the rug. But that only lets them hold on to their power and control--so they can do it again.
When you post on this topic, it actually equips readers to more insightfully analyze what they are hearing from the mainstream. Therefore, I would say that your willingness to address the deficiencies of the ambient discourse is a valuable public service.
We have to keep talking about it Dr; in NYC I received an alert from dept of health TODAY recommending masking in health care settings. And some talk of a scary new variant. I regularly receive updates pushing boosters.
There is a kid in my apt building, born in 2021, whose face I have never seen. Even outdoors this kid is swaddled in an N95. His parents, by the way, are professors at a major research university.
So no, I can't forget about Covid because the policy mistakes, which continue to today, affect children. Their mental and physical health, as well as educational/life opportunities have suffered from the reckless actions of "leaders" from entities ranging from school boards to cities to social media to the predatory industry around Long Covid. Researchers have also breached ethics in the use of children as subjects (Look no further than the dog-sniffing-Covid study covered in this Substack).
It was easy for me to move on after 2020 but what about the kids? They deserved better--& they deserve an apology. And if we don't advocate for a shift from the dominant policy of putting children last, who will?
It was so depressing walking past a school with my dog every day seeing kids in masks for over two years. Young kids. Some of them will have lived a quarter of their lives or more like that.
Don’t let it go -- because once a silence has descended for a moment, it will be time for the “next pandemic” (Disease X?). And the litany of policy abuses we experienced (which you listed well but left off the massive vaccine injuries and deaths), will be swiftly repeated. If there is no lull in the outrage, it will be harder to do that to us again. We must never let it happen again.
Thank You Gracchus! I agree pressure must be maintained so the fame of justice does not fizzle out. Justice is an essential component driving the need to continue talking about Covid-19. The origin, the moral decay in the developers and funders and the sinister manipulation of information in the response.
"It's important to remember that it was likely a lab leak, masks don’t work, mandates didn’t work, vaccines were not needed in people who had COVID, nor children, closing school was a human rights violation, masking kids didn’t work, vaccine mandates were unethical, vaccine passports were useless, boosters don’t have good data, paxlovid doesn’t have good data, long COVID is overblown, etc.."
Please make a big poster of this message in large letters. (I would also mention natural immunity explicitly.) Have one pinned to the wall in you office. And in the office of every doctor and professor who agrees with the above. Keep talking about Covid until a majority of doctors and professors agree with this message. Otherwise, the same lies will be repeated the next time around (which is not very far into future given that lab leaks are sure to happen again).
Only half of the fault for lying belongs to the liars. The other half belongs to the people who uncritically believed the lies.
I would add to your list: Covid was never a danger to most people, even prior to vaccination and natural immunity.” Very important message as the general public bought the idea that Covid was a death sentence, or at least a severe danger, for everyone in 2020. It was not.
Agree. Our adult son had Covid in late January 2020. We all treated it like flu and interacted with him in the old-fashioned way (i.e., without masks or social distancing). He recovered fine in a few days. We didn't catch it. No big deal.
The countries that treated it like flu (such as Haiti) did much better than the US. In US, half the people may have died, in part, from fear-induced stress.
I think important to continue talking about it in the health professions because it has revealed so many massive structural problems in public health, medicine, and public policy. The Great Coronapanic was a multi-layered disaster - and the same people who inflicted it on the world (the virus, the coverup, and the dysfunctional response) remain in power and have learned nothing. We are also suffering from a big trust problem that will not be fixxed without some reonciliation.
I can see all of his points. The problem is that we still have a CDC making evidence-free recommendations, a mainstream media only too happy to constantly write click-bait articles about the horror that’s coming up this winter/spring/summer/fall, communities still making stupid public health policy like mask mandates in hospitals, and scientists like ZA-A doing badly confounded studies that get lots of attention. I think we still need opposing views to prevent getting hijacked into Covid Theater again. Please don’t stop.
I won’t ever test for it again. I wish people would stop talking about it. But they won’t. So having people like you explaining why these people are acting like lunatics is sort of a necessary evil. I wish you didn’t have to talk about it, because it can’t be good for our mental health to keep harping on it. For your sake - stop talking about it. For everyone else’s sake - keep telling everyone the truth.
I only tested because we were supposed to be able to get a vaccine exemption if we had had covid. This turned out to be a lie as my application for a vaccine exemption was denied twice despite being able to prove I had natural immunity via exposure. (this was in Australia).
I was locked out of society for a year because of the lie that the vaccine halted transmission. My government to this day pushes the lie that it does halt transmission and is still pushing booster shots.
I only tested when absolutely necessary - twice before getting two wisdom teeth removed and once to get back into this country, when they were pushing the vaccine passport crap. I just got the bit of paper and refused to sign up for that nonsense.
I agree, Trevor. I thought and talked about it until I was blue in the face and people got an "uh oh" look on their faces when they'd see me approaching. It took an enormous toll on my mental health, until I started deleting some of the Substacks I was following (these were the worst "end-of-times" doomsayers, in whose opinion the world was in imminent danger of implosion, like "any second now".)
I'm still glad I hounded my young adult daughter not to get the shots while she was in college. I'm even happier that as she considers PA school, she affirms that she will not get the shots even to attend clinical rotations. I pray it works out for her.
I see people walking around outside. They are wearing masks in Texas . No one is near them in any direction I mean no one sometimes they're wearing it in their car have we created a psychological disorder?
yes. 100%. Many people need therapy at this point, many living in isolation and truly suffering from medical anxiety and NO public health efforts EVER to help them re-acclimate to the real world that the rest of us went back to. :(
Stop talking about covid the disease? Sure. (other than the occasional debunk of fearmongering)
Stop talking about the reaction to covid? No way.
This, this, this, a thousand times this.
The points Prasad makes at the end at far from universally recognized, and until they are, we cannot stop talking
He loves the sound of his own voice sometimes a wee bit too much. And that’s a shame because he does seem to have a fine mind, obviously has lots of energy, and his modus operandi telegraphs proper curiosity about various disease processes and their proper management.
I absolutely agree. We must never stop talking about this to help prevent history repeating itself.
What you say is cool. What we have to continue is talking about the truth, which most people do not know. We must continue the fight, so that they disappear, although with the power they have, I doubt it.
We have been alerting humanity for more than 3 years. Those who listened to us are now alive. Those who don't are underground.
I have recently opened a substack where I share our research from these 4 years. Please spread.
Absolutely. Never forget what they did and the lies they told us.
Until public health officials (as opposed to ordinary people who were duped) acknowledge they were wrong and apologize. AND promise not to do this shit again, we can’t stop talking about it.
This is exactly what I think too. This was a human rights disaster on a epic scale. Not to mention that trust in science and doctors has probably been irrevocably damage. I find that the people who don't want to talk about it anymore are the very ones who were completely on board with all the stuffs in 2020 onward. Instead of apologizing or admitting they may have been wrong, I get: "I don't pay attention to that anymore." head-in-the-sand answers. I think if we stop pushing back then all those crazy mask wearers win. They still think they are holier than thou and any push back makes you a Trump supporting conspiracy theorist yahoo. My family still has not recovered from the evil people like Fauci & Collins have done to split us apart.
Totally agree. If the talk about this ends, there are still people who stand behind Fauci et al and refuse to acknowledge the falsehoods and the extreme damage they have done to the medical profession, to relationships, to the economy, who will continue to support any government medical rep because there were no consequences for Fauci and all the other freaks. Those freaks are counting on people's ignorance and misplaced loyalty to agencies that will again impose the same draconian restrictions and make billions on another "cure".
Yes, apologize as they are standing on the gallows, neck in noose.
I can understand your point, but I believe your voice is crucial on this topic. The people who were, and are, driven by their political affiliations more than the welfare of the public have to be held accountable. You are one of the few who can separate the two and call out those who can’t. I know it must be hard because we all want to move on. But I think we still need you to speak about it.
Please keep talking about it. Half the folks in Seattle would like to pop us back in 2020. It’s delusional and anti scientific. But not talking about it will take us right back there....
Ya but Seattle
The big cities control the country, unfortunately
I am conflicted. I think normals should no longer entertain CoVid discussions. But I think people like you and Jay Bhattacharya should keep exposing the lies and malfeasance. The bad actors would like nothing more than to sweep their misbehavior under the rug. But that only lets them hold on to their power and control--so they can do it again.
When you post on this topic, it actually equips readers to more insightfully analyze what they are hearing from the mainstream. Therefore, I would say that your willingness to address the deficiencies of the ambient discourse is a valuable public service.
We have to keep talking about it Dr; in NYC I received an alert from dept of health TODAY recommending masking in health care settings. And some talk of a scary new variant. I regularly receive updates pushing boosters.
Big Pharma big tech big Agra big business .
There is a kid in my apt building, born in 2021, whose face I have never seen. Even outdoors this kid is swaddled in an N95. His parents, by the way, are professors at a major research university.
So no, I can't forget about Covid because the policy mistakes, which continue to today, affect children. Their mental and physical health, as well as educational/life opportunities have suffered from the reckless actions of "leaders" from entities ranging from school boards to cities to social media to the predatory industry around Long Covid. Researchers have also breached ethics in the use of children as subjects (Look no further than the dog-sniffing-Covid study covered in this Substack).
It was easy for me to move on after 2020 but what about the kids? They deserved better--& they deserve an apology. And if we don't advocate for a shift from the dominant policy of putting children last, who will?
As a mom and a pediatrician there are so many things wrong with that. Poor kid. I can’t imagine doing that to your child
It was so depressing walking past a school with my dog every day seeing kids in masks for over two years. Young kids. Some of them will have lived a quarter of their lives or more like that.
And being told that they have no future because of an imaginary climate crisis. It's evil what is being done.
Don’t let it go -- because once a silence has descended for a moment, it will be time for the “next pandemic” (Disease X?). And the litany of policy abuses we experienced (which you listed well but left off the massive vaccine injuries and deaths), will be swiftly repeated. If there is no lull in the outrage, it will be harder to do that to us again. We must never let it happen again.
No. No silence until the monsters who perpetrated the Covid Atrocities are brought to justice.
Thank You Gracchus! I agree pressure must be maintained so the fame of justice does not fizzle out. Justice is an essential component driving the need to continue talking about Covid-19. The origin, the moral decay in the developers and funders and the sinister manipulation of information in the response.
Hear hear!
Never stop speaking the truth.
"It's important to remember that it was likely a lab leak, masks don’t work, mandates didn’t work, vaccines were not needed in people who had COVID, nor children, closing school was a human rights violation, masking kids didn’t work, vaccine mandates were unethical, vaccine passports were useless, boosters don’t have good data, paxlovid doesn’t have good data, long COVID is overblown, etc.."
Please make a big poster of this message in large letters. (I would also mention natural immunity explicitly.) Have one pinned to the wall in you office. And in the office of every doctor and professor who agrees with the above. Keep talking about Covid until a majority of doctors and professors agree with this message. Otherwise, the same lies will be repeated the next time around (which is not very far into future given that lab leaks are sure to happen again).
Only half of the fault for lying belongs to the liars. The other half belongs to the people who uncritically believed the lies.
Yes! Keep the pressure on. Keep shining light on the villains who would like to shrink into the shadows.
I would add to your list: Covid was never a danger to most people, even prior to vaccination and natural immunity.” Very important message as the general public bought the idea that Covid was a death sentence, or at least a severe danger, for everyone in 2020. It was not.
Agree. Our adult son had Covid in late January 2020. We all treated it like flu and interacted with him in the old-fashioned way (i.e., without masks or social distancing). He recovered fine in a few days. We didn't catch it. No big deal.
The countries that treated it like flu (such as Haiti) did much better than the US. In US, half the people may have died, in part, from fear-induced stress.
I think important to continue talking about it in the health professions because it has revealed so many massive structural problems in public health, medicine, and public policy. The Great Coronapanic was a multi-layered disaster - and the same people who inflicted it on the world (the virus, the coverup, and the dysfunctional response) remain in power and have learned nothing. We are also suffering from a big trust problem that will not be fixxed without some reonciliation.
I can see all of his points. The problem is that we still have a CDC making evidence-free recommendations, a mainstream media only too happy to constantly write click-bait articles about the horror that’s coming up this winter/spring/summer/fall, communities still making stupid public health policy like mask mandates in hospitals, and scientists like ZA-A doing badly confounded studies that get lots of attention. I think we still need opposing views to prevent getting hijacked into Covid Theater again. Please don’t stop.
I won’t ever test for it again. I wish people would stop talking about it. But they won’t. So having people like you explaining why these people are acting like lunatics is sort of a necessary evil. I wish you didn’t have to talk about it, because it can’t be good for our mental health to keep harping on it. For your sake - stop talking about it. For everyone else’s sake - keep telling everyone the truth.
I’ve never tested
I only tested because we were supposed to be able to get a vaccine exemption if we had had covid. This turned out to be a lie as my application for a vaccine exemption was denied twice despite being able to prove I had natural immunity via exposure. (this was in Australia).
I was locked out of society for a year because of the lie that the vaccine halted transmission. My government to this day pushes the lie that it does halt transmission and is still pushing booster shots.
Never forgive, never forget.
I’m sorry. At least you learned not to believe them
I only tested when absolutely necessary - twice before getting two wisdom teeth removed and once to get back into this country, when they were pushing the vaccine passport crap. I just got the bit of paper and refused to sign up for that nonsense.
I quit volunteering at the nursing home when they started the testing requirement.
And I haven’t left the country because of the possibility that I’d have to sneak back in Lol
I agree, Trevor. I thought and talked about it until I was blue in the face and people got an "uh oh" look on their faces when they'd see me approaching. It took an enormous toll on my mental health, until I started deleting some of the Substacks I was following (these were the worst "end-of-times" doomsayers, in whose opinion the world was in imminent danger of implosion, like "any second now".)
I'm still glad I hounded my young adult daughter not to get the shots while she was in college. I'm even happier that as she considers PA school, she affirms that she will not get the shots even to attend clinical rotations. I pray it works out for her.
I see people walking around outside. They are wearing masks in Texas . No one is near them in any direction I mean no one sometimes they're wearing it in their car have we created a psychological disorder?
yes. 100%. Many people need therapy at this point, many living in isolation and truly suffering from medical anxiety and NO public health efforts EVER to help them re-acclimate to the real world that the rest of us went back to. :(