So this will be their excuse to cull all the cattle and force people to eat lab-grown meat? Asking for a friend.

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Cooking your meat kills it and visibly sick cattle are not supposed to be in the food chain. The problem is that the only people that the CDC can boss around are doctors not the politicians who know nothing but want to be reelected and try to keep people happy instead of healthy.

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You’re so factually incorrect it is scary that you would believe that.

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How will they be re-elected when we're all dead as they would prefer to have us be?

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They don't think rationally and believe that the disease won't kill. Remember Trump thought that Covid was no worse than the flu.

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May 5·edited May 5

Was it the "disease'; was the flu re-branded as something else; or the supposed cure? They just want us dead to fulfill their poppycock idea of global warming or whatever they call it; climate change. Fewer people are easier to control.

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May 4·edited May 4

I'll say this up front. I'll be GOD DAMNED if I participate in another lock down. That's not happening. Also...I'll be GOD DAMNED if I take another vaccine that FDA/CDC/Bourla (all three are the same, no?) come up with. They can take the H5N1 and shove it up there collective ass for all I care. NEVER AGAIN. The trust has been irrevocably damaged.

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Amen to that! NEVER AGAIN. And even if it turns out to be The Big One, well then, 1) their nostrums (NPIs and otherwise) are still unlikely to actually work, and 2) they shouldn't have cried "wolf" so many times before then.

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The ongoing pandemic threats are more than a fake virus, it is the take over of your sovereignty through digital identity where your life will be controlled based on your compliance.

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If you become a typhoid Mary I don't want you to have freedom. You've become a threat.

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Huh. Where and when have I heard that before? After EVERYTHING that's been exposed about Covid vaccine, it astounds me that people still toe the party line.

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Yeah, "the unvaxxed" were called typhoid Mary's during Covid. It was pretty disgraceful. For those labeling others during the plandemic, it's hard to feel sorry for them now that they're vaccine injured or worse.

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Ignorance is absolutely blissful.

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I’m curious about the statement regarding the “case-fatality-rate of 50%. Presumably this is referring to fatality rate in recognized cases. It is quite conceivable that there have been 1000 unrecognized cases for each clinically recognized one.

The same error occurred with COVID 19.

Without systematic testing around index cases… the CDC has absolutely no idea what the case-fatality rate is.

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Indeed, it's the infection-fatality rate that really matters. And without systematic testing, especially serological testing, that number is really just guesswork.

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Things have suddenly gotten weirder in the comments section of a number of high quality substacks. Certain individuals commenting obsessively with a very specific agenda. AI or what?

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May 4·edited May 4

Maybe AI or maybe not but obviously somebody's got an agenda to push the panic on this nonsense.

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Noted as well. A little infiltration army of "disruptors". Lol.

They stand out like a neon sign as our particular example here does.

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The bots and their meatpuppets are at it again, lol.

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Sadly, this is not surprising given everything that happened. My assumption is that they expect people to simply accept whatever they do as the best policy. Since that seemed to work out for them previously. Act like everything is beyond their control but also that they’re completely in control.

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The act of control is coming from the politicians that don't want a panic. We all saw documentaries on hospitals in covid overload and if that had been widespread knowledge the public would have gone crazy with fear. Toilet paper shortage was one result.

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"We all saw documentaries on hospitals in covid overload."

Do you realize the implications of what you just wrote? Yes, indeed, they made sure that we ALL SAW stressed hospitals, doomsday interviews, and tragic individual cases. We were deliberately fed panic-porn 24/7.

But where were the documentaries about the deserted hospitals? About the warehouses full of unused ventilators? About the stupid-ass policies of putting sick patients back into nursing home environments while they were still contagious? About the people suiciding from lockdown-induced despair?

Where were the documentaries showing stories of hope? Showing promising early treatments discovered by doctors doing their best to help their patients with something more than advice to go home and hope not to die? Showing countries that didn't "lock down" and yet didn't have catastrophic levels of death as a result? Showing how the initial models of estimated death rates--the estimations that threw the western world straight into blind panic--were quickly shown to be overblown by orders of magnitude?

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There are none because that's not what happened. Unless the places where people were already isolated they got sick. Even New Zealand wasn't able to escape from Covid.

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Omg. Youre a covid narrative ninny who still does not know the facts and the data. Your disinformation is not welcome.

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So in other words "Anyone who disagrees with me"

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No. The data is what disagrees with you.

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There was no overflowing ers during 2020. I was there, I know. Not a single person was admitted to the pop up tent. Not one. The ers were empty until flu season in October. And then they exploded after vaccination began. So.

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Depending on where you were the levels of people admitted were indeed different.

Watch the British series "Breathtaking" to see what asses politicians can be when they think they know what's best, and are trying to control the narrative in a situation that is out of control.

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Covid vaccination didn't begin until December 2020. So what are you talking about happening in October?

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May 5·edited May 5

Were some of these documentaries just manufactured. I understand a lot of hospitals were not, in fact, overloaded as we were led to believe they were.

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Some were at capacity and some weren't. In Portland they were farther out where there were less populated areas the effect was less but still higher than they could handle no one was "turned away" but other patients with less severe conditions were. I had several surgical procedures canceled because my space was needed for covid treatment areas.

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I typed this into Google and didn't find a single article about a hospital having no issues with covid overload. No one was put in tents but it did come close in some cities.

"places where hospitals covid patient load wasn't severe"

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Indeed, so many people cling to the illusion of control.

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I'm not taking the vaccine until Dr. VP does.

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Until there is a version that can pass human to human there is no problem. Get pigs into that mix and watch out! Pigs share lots of dna with humans and viruses that can infect pigs can jump to humans. So far just pink eye symptoms in humans and similar effects in cattle. Milk that has been pasteurized breaks up the virus and kills it making it inert. IF your body reacts to the parts of the virus then you MIGHT get some immunity. But all of that is one giant maybe.

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Typhoid is bacterial. We have these things called antibiotics now.

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Also antibiotics only work on bacteria that have no resistance to it. We now have super bacteria that most antibiotics don't touch.

We got carried away with antibiotic use in the late 20th century.

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You have to take them. Mary wouldn't do anything about her condition as she felt just fine.

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"relive the errors" It just seems like in my city (San Francisco) nobody sees the errors. Everyday I see solo drivers wearing a mask, my sister in law just tested for COVID just to be safe, I see young healthy men masked waiting for the bus, I saw a senior woman sitting outside unmasked at a restaurant but masked up when she went inside to use the bathroom....and the examples go on and on. It makes me nuts.

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We've got to remember that the Covidian masking vestments and toxic needle baptisms gave meaning to a lot of completely empty lives. It made these shells feel part of a collective... a collective Madness but it still satiated the group thing....

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You have to understand the reasons behind masking. A seemingly health individual may live with some one who is immune compromised or may be himself. Not masking outside is less of a risk than being closed off inside. Drivers wearing masks while driving means they have to get out somewhere and just keep it on. I wear a mask when I have to visit urgent care because of all the sick people there already. If I had a cold I would wear a mask to protect others around me and to let others know I was ill. This adatude of thinking getting sick is no big deal is what made this outbreak worse. People were going about their business while spreading the virus to others without concern.

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I understand plenty. 2020 COVID is over. We all walked the earth prior to 2020 without masking and believe it or not we weren't killing off our grandmothers. How exactly do you know why drivers mask? You don't. What I know is it's silly. You seem of the group that thought anyone without a mask was basically a murderer. And, of course, you conflate the Urgent care setting with a guy waiting for the bus. I had COVID twice and I didn't blame a single person's behavior for me being sick.

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My husband and I went about our lives, only wearing masks when required. Got the two vaccines and one booster. Also because it was required to fly. I won’t get another vaccine or wear a mask again. They lied to us plain and simple, kept people away from loved ones funerals, caused many mom and pop businesses to go under and tanked the economy. We still haven’t had Covid, we continued to travel and went about our lives. Never again

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May 7·edited May 7

Exact same situation for myself. I regret to this day about getting the booster. Yes, the collateral damage that was done from COVID policy is immeasurable and the media knowingly perpetuated the lies . The worst part is our government refuses to look back and analyze what they did wrong, so we are better prepared for the next Pandemic. Fauci should be in Jail. I plan on watching this documentary. You might want to as well.


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I never got Covid until the Omacron variant arrived. Then it slipped past my immune system and made me sick. I'm sure glad I didn't get the original strain.

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Not everyone walked the earth without a mask prior to 2020. There were still people who needed to be masked for the reasons I stated above. As for A bus stop and Urgent care they are two different places. One is inside where you are breathing the air with people who are sick. A bus stop is outside and subject to fresh air moving around and you don't have to sit next to a person hacking up their lungs. I understand that you caught Covid twice from natural sources and not from another person that didn't bother to take precautions to not infect the people around them. Good for you.

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We are specifically talking about what happened during COVID and how so many people continue on with the nonsense. I get the sense you don't take buses very often. People do not sit there and "hack up their lungs". I would strongly suggest that you watch this new documentary. You might see all the nefarious actions of our so called "leaders" who decided policy on junk science.


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I couldn't find the documentary that this interview was about. I had really wanted to see everything she was talking about. Instead I was left with a bunch of quotes to promote her film.

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The docu has not yet come out. I think sometime this month. All that is available is the trailer. She's a highly respected film producer on documentaries so if you all you got from this is for her plugging her film you'll never be open to the damage that COVID policies created. You'll just keep trying to justify masks and lockdowns with media talking points. I think through all this people lost their ability to think critically and question government.

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They do in Urgent care. People go to Urgent care because they are sick. I was talking about that condition not the bus ride. At the bus stop is different it's outside in fresh air. Inside the bus is also different than Urgent care as people don't go to the bus because they are really sick. I'll watch your link because you provided it to me and let you know my thoughts

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I do understand the (emotional) motivations behind masking. The differences are in how we decide what is “true” and worth doing in medicine. Masking is a medical intervention (whether in hospital or outside).

Prior to COVID 19, the best available evidence was that masking did not reduce transmission.

I understand that fear led to suspension of reason, and “erring on the side of caution”.

Without large, high quality RCT’s, we simply do not know whether masks reduce transmission of respiratory viruses, but the available evidence supports the null hypothesis.

It is incumbent on those who assert efficacy to prove it. If they can’t, they are free to do as they wish, but should, in my view, stop making false “truth statements” and trying to shame those who demand high quality evidence for medical interventions.

This entire debacle is a failure of research-funding and public-health agencies. Instead of using a perfect opportunity to narrow confidence intervals, they, with religious zeal, changed the church dogma, based on fear. A tragic error that has divided society, and undermined faith in our medical institutions.

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CDC just like FDA lost all credibility. They are supposed to work for us and not for big pharma

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The real problem is politicians deciding the course of action instead of the doctors. Insurance companies do that now and look at the mess they have made of Healthcare. The reason prices are high is because they have to be high to allow for Insurance reductions. That's why if you get treated out of system the charges are so high. They have to be able to tell the insurance company that they charge that way to everyone.

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May 5·edited May 5

The real problem is politicians deciding the course of action instead of the doctors

Doctors are as compromised as politicians.

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Watch "Breathtaking " on ITVX

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Yes, because what could go wrong with doctors using protocols which receive extra reimbursement from CMS if used?

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Dr. Prasad. I agree that I won’t be taking any vaccine unless it is shown that it prevents severe disease. But, you say, “Vaccines for H5N1 may be generated quickly, but I won’t be taking one, unless a randomized trial shows a reduction in severe disease and includes people like me (young and healthy and thin).”

I believe you misspoke when you say that one if the reasons is because you are “thin”. I assume that by “thin” you mean “metabolically healthy”; there is a difference, since some thin folks are “skinny fat”, in other words metabolically unhealthy and at more risk from any viral or bacterial infection.

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There are also some healthy people with underlying conditions that don't present until the body is under stress. Covid19 proved that.

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A new pandemic coinciding with the upcoming presidential election would be a repeat of 4 years ago.

What would help one side cheat is the implementation of “ social distancing.” It allows for mail in ballot abuse, and limits people from monitoring elections.

A pandemic would interject more chaos into a country reeling from chaos on all sides of society.

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RemovedMay 4
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Yes they did a survey of voters around 1000 of them. And found voter fraud. Most of the cases of voter fraud have been people voting for Trump in 2020. So I wonder what the methodology of this survey was.

1000 out of 300 million votes. Still safe.

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If you are naive enough to think voter fraud does not exist in this country you likely didn’t pay much attention in history class.

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"The CDC's ability to manage pandemics is poor..." The CDC has no ability to do anything except two: one, increase its budget, and two, promulgate bullshit.

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(1) Increase its budget by (2) promulgating bullshit with (3) the end goal of selling vaccines for its buddies.

"Live exercises" are the new Advertising campaigns.

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Thank you Vinay for cutting through their phear porn.

And the guy with the wicked eye thing..... who's to say the H5n1 even had anything to do with it? There are likely 100 other pathogens in a barn that could lead to those symptoms.

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Yes, in an election year: how very convenient, eh?

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These viruses care nothing for elections its just that time of year. There are always some kind of viruses floating around and birds always have them. Put birds with pigs and wait for the right mutation and that's how we get these things. In this case it was a cow. Lucky for us cows don't share the necessary ingredients to make a really transmissible virus to humans. Flu comes from this source.

In Africa monkeys have ebola and HIV.

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The “scary” talk about a pandemic and possible lockdowns, etc. seems to always appear in an election year these days. The original Covid in 2020, the delta variant in 2022, avian flu this year. I don’t believe in coincidences.

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Just ironic that we seem to hear more about them during election years???

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I really hope Paul is earning by the hour for his incessant commenting here.

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Sadly it's all free. I feel I have a duty to help my children.

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I used to say Putin for President 2024. My new slogan is Defund the CDC.

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Is the H5N1 threat as real as we are led to believe or is the media looking for that new scary story to hype or are we simply hearing about surveillance that’s has always gone on. Instead of interviewing the CDC why not interview the veterinarians taking care of the animals that are infected or at risk of infection.

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