So you’re getting a solid 3 hours of sleep per night !

Kidding aside, thank you for sharing your thoughts, educating us “non - medical” folk and for offering a balanced approach to tackling life. Wishing you continued success and good health in 2023

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Over Here, I'm not sure 'returned to normal' is appropriate, unless you count Moderna signing up with the UK government to produce 250 million doses of what Moderna would wish on us...

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Mr. Prasad

Please kindly spend part of 2023 researching and interviewing experts who dare to look into the more subtle side effects of getting the vaccine and or boosters. I am convinced there is a silent minority of individuals susceptible to inflammatory responses who are suffering from “long Covid” vaccination.

Thank you.

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Congratulations and thank you for speaking the truth. There are very little spaces to get truth these days and I salute the doctors who speak them. Now if we could only get rid of mainstream media :)

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I always you knew you were a slacker! And this proves it. Geez, doc, try to get some work done, will ya? :)

HOLY COW, the energizer buddy is in a coma compared to you! Make sure you rest up so you don't burn out! Love your work!

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Thank you for a fantastic year! You give me hope for the healthcare industry. I hope you can influence the next generation of doctors to practice medicine and science, not religion. Let us hold those who do harm to children accountable: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-do-no-harm-part-2

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No, things should never have been "abnormal." The pandemic scam as policy should have been rejected before its hideous birth in 2020.

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No hyperbole but you saved me. Thank you! ❤️

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Congratulations Dr. Prasad. Being in the medical field but not a doctor I have enjoyed many, many of your papers and podcasts. I'm learning so many new things (and I'm retired). What do they say, "Youth is wasted on the young." I don't know where I was or what I was doing that didn't make me be the sponge I am today. I am honored and lucky to be learning from you. Please continue to mentor!

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Thank you for speaking up and for writing about the Covid debacle. I really appreciate your willingness to tell the truth as you see it. I hope some day you will do a deep dive into childhood vaccines. Please start by looking at their pre license clinical trials. Not one, ever used a saline placebo! The Hep B vaccine, which is unnecessarily given at the first day of birth, was in pre license clinical trial for a grand total of 5 days! These are just a few facts that show how the pharmaceutical companies are money driven and not health driven.

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And that's not all! You didn't mention your appearances on the VPZD show (YouTube/podcast) - also much appreciated. Looking forward to 2023.

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You are sanity amongst the insanity. Thank you for everything you did in 2022. And belated congrats on your promotion! UCSF is lucky to have you - - - and so are we!! It's truly is an opportunity for you to have a more powerful voice. Happy holidays to you - and hope 2023 proves to be "merrier"!!!

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Thank you for your efforts. I hope you continue to be inspired to remain a voice of reason and in reinforcing what objective science should be without politics and pressure for conformity, All the best for a wonderful productive and happy 2023!

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Great picture. And, wow, what a year! I always enjoy your videos, podcasts, and Substack articles. Thank you!

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Congratulations on a productive year. You ever sleep?

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Dec 23, 2022·edited Dec 23, 2022

Congrats Vinny! I don't know how you get so much done in so little time!

I hope you'll take a well deserved Christmas vacation whether or not you celebrate the holiday!

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