As a practicing physician and occasional patient, I think there’s too much focus on Covid as the main factor in mistrust. Most people don’t know anything about RCTs, etc. What they and I know is that medical practice is uncaring, fragmented, expensive, non-transparent, and profit driven. Let’s not forget that the curves begin with about 30% mistrust before the pandemic. Covid was the final straw, but even without a pandemic, trust can only go down.
yes, many people had blind faith in the medical system and if covid had any bright side, it was that many more people have had their eyes forced open. my distrust in conventional medicine goes back to childhood. i just saw too many things that were wrong. and i grew up in an era when doctors still made house calls!
i welcome newbies to the club! it's been interesting to read Dr Prassad over time and see the steps he went through: from mild suspicion to greater doubt to disbelief to sadness to outright disgust.
Great list of lies. MSM and DNC pushed all of them, yet half the country still trust them and wants to vote for them. Are there any cures for the mind virus?
I'll just add that the FDA and the CDC have fought journalists tooth and nail over access to information collected with public money about publicly funded products. I filed my FOIA requests (I'm an accredited journalist and a member of SPJ), which were on time-sensitive issues, nearly three years ago. Every time I ask about them, I'm told it'll be another 18 months. People with nothing to hide... have nothing to hide. People with something to hide, on the other hand, use every dodge they can.
You forgot the studies that showed Republicans were more likely to die from Covid. But what's truly more frightening is how much control MSM has over the Democratic/Liberal viewers on Covid. Didn't a survey show that 41% of dems thought that chances of being hospitalized due to covid was 50%?
There's a reason why masks in public is the MAGA hat of the left. And I, too, am surprised how *HIGH* the trust is in medical establishment including doctors.
I think it should be noted most major medical professional organizations were also all-in on the lies, as were many state medical boards. I therefore think a majority of physicians, at least, won't agree with what you have written. It's depressing for sure.
I think the problem with Democratic politicians is that they’re lawyers and not scientists. They were misled by Fauci and friends, but they trusted him as the last word in healthcare, and they never read anything beyond what appeared in the mainstream press (mainly clickbait, especially today). It’s very frustrating to see them have near-religious belief in the power of masks and endless boosters. They need education from someone they see as one of them, who they can’t dismiss as simply a right wing conspiracy theorist. I don’t think they’ll listen to those who’ve already been undeservedly demonized. In other words, I don’t think they’re lying; I think they’ve been poorly informed. As for Fauci, Walensky, and others: I can’t think of an excuse for them.
Excellent list! Definitely saving this. Thank you! Yes the COVID debacle eroded trust and there are other reasons. Most boil down to $$$$.
Also contributing to public trust is the sad state of hospitals and the systems that run them. Customer service has all but disappeared leaving patients to feel like numbers. In addition, you have to be forceful and assertive and ask for what should be basic testing like lipid particle size, hemoglobin A1c, vitamins D, B12, thyroid tests other than TSH, and I could go on, and even then may be denied basic labs. I found a DO not affiliated with a system that I see but he doesn’t take insurance. Not everyone can afford this level of care and what I’m asking isn’t even expensive. It’s disgusting and fosters a feeling that physicians do not really care about your health when in actuality, many are hamstrung by the system that employs them.
i only go to doctors who don't take insurance. their prices are realistic and reflect the services provided, free of graft, fraud, middlemen and waste. at 71, of course i am on medicare but i'm doing my bit by not sticking the tax payers with my medical care. i eat well, am in very good shape, use natural modalities, exercise, eat only regenerative meats from farms i know and vegetables that i grow in my backyard. i go to an alternative nutritionally based practice and pay out of pocket.
the medicare is in case i get hit by a bus.
i have never had a mammogram or a colonoscopy. i had only the 3 vaccines that people born in 1953 were given. i do not take flu shots and lost my job of 40 years when i refused the covid vaccine. my humana insurance would happily send a nurse to my house "for free" to tell me that i am out of date with all my "preventative" screenings and flu shots. i refuse that visit every year and argue with the woman on the phone who is desperately trying to get me to accept the visit.
being healthy and not needing them is the best revenge.
Given that it appears there will be no consequences for the lies told in support of policy which ever continues to appear to be in service only to centralized authority, I'm ever more curious to know what ethical people might conceive of as the next nadir (danger) in "public health" policy- and how can we avoid it? Even with trust cratering, all I seem to hear are variations on the "get better people in there" arguments in the circles I travel in most often. I hear very little about how to disassemble the feedback loop which incentivizes future abuses. If people wonder why some of us have been so skeptical for so long regarding single payer healthcare, for example, look no further than the leviathan that is the merger of "medicine" and biotech as envisioned by DARPA: We're all just data points to be managed. The powerful are ever closer to saying the quiet part out loud, that no one needs the complication of trust and truth when there's an asymmetrical power structure such as this.
8 and 9 are the worst. i wonder how many people will never get over losing a loved one while prevented from being there. whenever my father was in the hospital, i never left his side and slept in the chair by his bed. my main job was to keep them from killing him, a job i took very seriously. how many "covid" patients died simply because they had no advocate, no family member to insure proper care? i imagine they can never forgive themselves or the hospitals that enforced the heartless policy
don't worry, Dr Prassad. Dr. Peter Hotez will show up with NATO forces, the DOJ and militarized police to "persuade" the doubters and make them see that trust should be 100%... or else
As most of you know, I lost trust during the opiate epidemic. I’ve written enough about it not to have to tell you why, but it’s frightening when healthcare systems can’t even keep nurses on staff. Lots of travelers. So my trust in public health was pretty much gone before Covid even started. The fear mongering from the political end of things made it pretty rough. Now that I know that there’s so much politics involved in healthcare, I try to follow these three words: don’t get sick.
THIS is SPOT ON and needs to be shared far and wide!! Thank you, Dr. Prasad for ALWAYS being a voice of reason and one who we can all trust to tell the truth in all circumstances! I wish you were my doctor, 100%!! Here in So Cal, all of my doctors and my kids' doctors are captured by all of the public health lies and blindly follow their recommendations. It's so frustrating to me, both as a physical therapist, and as a concerned mom of twins - I want to do what is best for my patient's health, and also for my own health, and the health of my family members... and as an Asian American, I was always taught to respect my elders and to look up to teachers, doctors, police officers, etc. but when the ones I look up to don't seem to want to search for the truth in situations, it makes me wonder who I can trust - and I've discovered time and time again that you are one of the only few doctors who I can fully trust. So for that, I thank you, and I am honored and feel so blessed to be able to be one who is able to access your content here on Substack, and am proud to continue to support you as you speak the truth, both on your own stack here, and also with Sensible Medicine - Thank you for all that you do!
As a practicing physician and occasional patient, I think there’s too much focus on Covid as the main factor in mistrust. Most people don’t know anything about RCTs, etc. What they and I know is that medical practice is uncaring, fragmented, expensive, non-transparent, and profit driven. Let’s not forget that the curves begin with about 30% mistrust before the pandemic. Covid was the final straw, but even without a pandemic, trust can only go down.
yes, many people had blind faith in the medical system and if covid had any bright side, it was that many more people have had their eyes forced open. my distrust in conventional medicine goes back to childhood. i just saw too many things that were wrong. and i grew up in an era when doctors still made house calls!
i welcome newbies to the club! it's been interesting to read Dr Prassad over time and see the steps he went through: from mild suspicion to greater doubt to disbelief to sadness to outright disgust.
Great list of lies. MSM and DNC pushed all of them, yet half the country still trust them and wants to vote for them. Are there any cures for the mind virus?
I'll just add that the FDA and the CDC have fought journalists tooth and nail over access to information collected with public money about publicly funded products. I filed my FOIA requests (I'm an accredited journalist and a member of SPJ), which were on time-sensitive issues, nearly three years ago. Every time I ask about them, I'm told it'll be another 18 months. People with nothing to hide... have nothing to hide. People with something to hide, on the other hand, use every dodge they can.
You forgot the studies that showed Republicans were more likely to die from Covid. But what's truly more frightening is how much control MSM has over the Democratic/Liberal viewers on Covid. Didn't a survey show that 41% of dems thought that chances of being hospitalized due to covid was 50%?
There's a reason why masks in public is the MAGA hat of the left. And I, too, am surprised how *HIGH* the trust is in medical establishment including doctors.
I think it should be noted most major medical professional organizations were also all-in on the lies, as were many state medical boards. I therefore think a majority of physicians, at least, won't agree with what you have written. It's depressing for sure.
When it was “ok” to do elective and sterilizing surgeries on kids that’s when it really hit me.
Vinay, Big TYPO in the Title..."Is" should be "In". Also, marvelous article...and absolutely true.
What do we do to get the Democrats to tell the truth...ever? Or is it hopeless?
I think the problem with Democratic politicians is that they’re lawyers and not scientists. They were misled by Fauci and friends, but they trusted him as the last word in healthcare, and they never read anything beyond what appeared in the mainstream press (mainly clickbait, especially today). It’s very frustrating to see them have near-religious belief in the power of masks and endless boosters. They need education from someone they see as one of them, who they can’t dismiss as simply a right wing conspiracy theorist. I don’t think they’ll listen to those who’ve already been undeservedly demonized. In other words, I don’t think they’re lying; I think they’ve been poorly informed. As for Fauci, Walensky, and others: I can’t think of an excuse for them.
Excellent list! Definitely saving this. Thank you! Yes the COVID debacle eroded trust and there are other reasons. Most boil down to $$$$.
Also contributing to public trust is the sad state of hospitals and the systems that run them. Customer service has all but disappeared leaving patients to feel like numbers. In addition, you have to be forceful and assertive and ask for what should be basic testing like lipid particle size, hemoglobin A1c, vitamins D, B12, thyroid tests other than TSH, and I could go on, and even then may be denied basic labs. I found a DO not affiliated with a system that I see but he doesn’t take insurance. Not everyone can afford this level of care and what I’m asking isn’t even expensive. It’s disgusting and fosters a feeling that physicians do not really care about your health when in actuality, many are hamstrung by the system that employs them.
i only go to doctors who don't take insurance. their prices are realistic and reflect the services provided, free of graft, fraud, middlemen and waste. at 71, of course i am on medicare but i'm doing my bit by not sticking the tax payers with my medical care. i eat well, am in very good shape, use natural modalities, exercise, eat only regenerative meats from farms i know and vegetables that i grow in my backyard. i go to an alternative nutritionally based practice and pay out of pocket.
the medicare is in case i get hit by a bus.
i have never had a mammogram or a colonoscopy. i had only the 3 vaccines that people born in 1953 were given. i do not take flu shots and lost my job of 40 years when i refused the covid vaccine. my humana insurance would happily send a nurse to my house "for free" to tell me that i am out of date with all my "preventative" screenings and flu shots. i refuse that visit every year and argue with the woman on the phone who is desperately trying to get me to accept the visit.
being healthy and not needing them is the best revenge.
Yes! Good health is the best revenge! Totally agree!
I’m definitely saving it too
Thank you for the clear and forceful article, especially the list.
Given that it appears there will be no consequences for the lies told in support of policy which ever continues to appear to be in service only to centralized authority, I'm ever more curious to know what ethical people might conceive of as the next nadir (danger) in "public health" policy- and how can we avoid it? Even with trust cratering, all I seem to hear are variations on the "get better people in there" arguments in the circles I travel in most often. I hear very little about how to disassemble the feedback loop which incentivizes future abuses. If people wonder why some of us have been so skeptical for so long regarding single payer healthcare, for example, look no further than the leviathan that is the merger of "medicine" and biotech as envisioned by DARPA: We're all just data points to be managed. The powerful are ever closer to saying the quiet part out loud, that no one needs the complication of trust and truth when there's an asymmetrical power structure such as this.
8 and 9 are the worst. i wonder how many people will never get over losing a loved one while prevented from being there. whenever my father was in the hospital, i never left his side and slept in the chair by his bed. my main job was to keep them from killing him, a job i took very seriously. how many "covid" patients died simply because they had no advocate, no family member to insure proper care? i imagine they can never forgive themselves or the hospitals that enforced the heartless policy
don't worry, Dr Prassad. Dr. Peter Hotez will show up with NATO forces, the DOJ and militarized police to "persuade" the doubters and make them see that trust should be 100%... or else
As most of you know, I lost trust during the opiate epidemic. I’ve written enough about it not to have to tell you why, but it’s frightening when healthcare systems can’t even keep nurses on staff. Lots of travelers. So my trust in public health was pretty much gone before Covid even started. The fear mongering from the political end of things made it pretty rough. Now that I know that there’s so much politics involved in healthcare, I try to follow these three words: don’t get sick.
Your best to date Dr. Prasad! Gracias
And treatments and drugs.
Trust is doctors change to IN
THIS is SPOT ON and needs to be shared far and wide!! Thank you, Dr. Prasad for ALWAYS being a voice of reason and one who we can all trust to tell the truth in all circumstances! I wish you were my doctor, 100%!! Here in So Cal, all of my doctors and my kids' doctors are captured by all of the public health lies and blindly follow their recommendations. It's so frustrating to me, both as a physical therapist, and as a concerned mom of twins - I want to do what is best for my patient's health, and also for my own health, and the health of my family members... and as an Asian American, I was always taught to respect my elders and to look up to teachers, doctors, police officers, etc. but when the ones I look up to don't seem to want to search for the truth in situations, it makes me wonder who I can trust - and I've discovered time and time again that you are one of the only few doctors who I can fully trust. So for that, I thank you, and I am honored and feel so blessed to be able to be one who is able to access your content here on Substack, and am proud to continue to support you as you speak the truth, both on your own stack here, and also with Sensible Medicine - Thank you for all that you do!