These medical students are idiots. They should not be doctors. Can you imagine being treated by these nuts if you politically disagreed with their political opinions? They should be expelled from medical school and others who want to help people, regardless of their political opinions, should take their places.

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The woke mind virus is epidemic in academia. That future doctors are acting this way further erodes what little trust I have left in the medical profession, after the covid debacle.

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As a pediatrician in the limelight of his career and a former AMA delegate, I can say that this behavior stems from the pernicious teaching in undergrad and in medical schools of academic university DEI.

They are taught that one is either privileged or not, oppressor or oppressed etc and to stifle any dissenting opinion that might hurt their feelings.This leads to their destructive behaviors and lack of critical thinking- a very poor foundation for our future doctors.

Whom is going to take the lead in reforming university based DEI?

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So, he was there to give a speech about caring for the LGBTQ+ community, and they are advocating for a culture of people that would throw an LGBTQ+ person off of a roof. The cognitive dissonance is astounding.

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You are on point. Disrupting a speaker should not be tolerated. It is rude and uncivil behavior. They can be allowed to make their points during a Q and A, or a different venue. They should be suspended from school;actions should have consequences.

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First question - are you sure the people shouting were actually medical students? Next, I assume these people wear masks not because of Covid considerations but to hide their faces. If you look at pictures of protestors standing OUTSIDE in front of businesses, they also typically wear masks. Again to hide.

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I'd recommend Rob Henderson's new book, Troubled. He was taken into foster care at 3, lived in 10 different homes, and then fought his way upwards in life through military sevice and then a degree at Yale and PHd at Cambridge. He talks about the luxury beliefs that the insulated upper class and academics develop. These shout-downs are performative affluent liberal virtue signaling. Whether the actions or policies of the elite class has a measurable benefit on those they purport to advocate for is irrelevant to them. Displays of "compassion" are status boosters for the activists. The groups they advocate for are little more than replaceable mascots. Social media made all of this worse because just LOOK at all the attention young adults can get during their messiah phase!

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I believe what is at issue is that the AMA made a statement about hospitals in Ukraine but refuse to do the same when it’s non-white people being genocided. The AMA is a tool for Pharma profits, they have lost any credibility they may have enjoyed when they witch hunted doctors during the “pandemic”.

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Medical school education is as much about teaching medical knowledge and science as it is about teaching someone how to think and behave as a professional. It is great to have opinions and to be passionate about them. It is wonderful to take that passion to a protest or rally or to raise money for a cause. It is not professional to behave this way in a forum attended by presumably professional individuals.

This type of behavior, if exhibited in the hospital or clinic, will result in professional discipline some day. The medical students might as well learn that now - it will not be okay to yell at a patient or spout political ideology to staff working with them in the near future. The leadership of the school needs to help them to understand the consequences of acting out in this fashion - before they wind up dismissed from a job.

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I saw so many doctors lose their minds, in a political and totally unprofessional way, over covid and vaccines during the pandemic. It has made me opt out of the whole system. When I see these self-righteous idiots shouting down this lecturer I am pretty sure I won't be returning to the care setting any time soon. It isn't safe, and these people are ideologically insane. A witch doctor has more credibility than these preening fools. They lack the maturity necessary to be responsible for other people's health.

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Shouting down any speaker is more than rude, counterproductive, disrespectful, or appropriate to learning. This should not be allowed anywhere! What good are they doing? People will see this as a negative to what their topic is. They should be disciplined for this and made an example of to others! A professional arena is particularly shameful. Do they not see how this reflects on them? On the profession? Their future?

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So I graduated from med school 23 years ago and back then you need volunteerism on your application but about 5-10 years ago that was changed to activism. That’s how this happens, we are prioritizing activists over altruists. Not all radical progress is in the right direction.

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An institution that doesn't hold their students to a higher level of respect for civil discourse doesn't deserve to exist.

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I'm with you. And I worry gravely about what's happening with our young folks in all disciplines. I'd like to think they will see the error of their youthful foolishness as they mature but I don't think that will happen. The positive side of being old is that I won't have to endure what our country will become.

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The insistence that at all times everyone must be making political pronouncements of an exact nature and 100% adhering to a specific agenda every time (eg masking, war mongering, etc).. is the ruination of everything "liberal" and "progressive". This continued shouting political agenda in completely inappropriate places is showing those involved their level of detachment from the world, they should have been asked to leave.

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Nothing logical can explain their actions. I suspect this phenomenon is due to young people spending less time interacting with real people (socially and professionally). Also the allure of becoming an Instagram hero is potent.

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