Vinay, As an academic hematologist who has preceded your arc, it is amazing to me how discovering the evil (I have stopped believing it was incompetence/stupidity -- no one in such numbers can be so stupid) that was foisted on patients leads to discovering the far greater evil pervasive in the aforementioned party -- the abrogation of the First Amendment, the most foundational part of any democratically-oriented government. It turns out these people do not care about health or democracy, even though they are so perverse that they use the words to mean exactly the opposite of what they do mean. They only care about power and control and squashing dissent.
This was the party under which I grew up. Now I fear them with all my life. And I see you are making the same discoveries -- as are truly open-minded people of all persuasions...heavens, even RFK Jr.
Thanks for always being honest and for letting everyone progress along this path with you. It will take all of us doing SOMETHING to save us all, I expect.
The country is run by a small group of money hungy/power hungry criminals who only care about benefiting themselves. This is the case no matter who or what party sits in the White House.
Agree that this is massive news. Zuckerberg has admitted the Administration's pressure (coercion is more accurate), but it was ubiquitous across social media platforms and all legacy media companies. The censorship is well beyond covid. It covers anything controversial such as climate ideology, gender ideology, racism ideology, and so on.
The New York Times didn't bother to publish this story, but the Wall Street Journal did. Not sure if the liberal msm is suppressing the story. It probably is because it makes Kamala look bad.
Even so, I hope this starts a cascade of others to step forward to acknowledge the anti-free speech agenda of Biden-Harris.
It's tough to watch Trump drop all the controversies in order to maintain a chance at victory, meanwhile Harris becomes more Trumpish on several points. They're all such liars.
Thank you again, Vinay, for writing about this letter. I encourage everyone to read the entire thing. It’s fairly easy to find on X and other internet sites. I posted it to my FB account and I never post political stuff, only health related items and social events. I thought it was important that FB users be informed of what the creator of the platform just admitted to being a part of, and sort of- he hedged a bit- fell on his sword so to speak.
I must say, however, that the past four years have made me much more cynical so I also wonder what else is going on that we are not seeing. What’s in it for Mark Zuckerberg? Is he that afraid of his Section 230 protection being gutted or is it something else?
IIRC Zuckerberg had been called in prior to the pandemic to testify before Congress and got raked over the coals. Techies don't like being in the spotlight like that. The government kept saying that they might have to step in a regulate them. Here's some from the Twitter files:
"NetChoice lets Twitter know a “blood bath” awaits in upcoming Hill hearings, with members saying it's a "tipping point," complaining tech has “grown so big that they can’t even regulate themselves, so government may need to intervene.” "
"When asked just how bad this situation is, one staffer said: "it's tech's Access Hollywood moment and it has no Hillary to hide behind." Others were more blunt: "tech is screwed and rightfully so.""
I have NEVER regretted standing my ground on what I believed was moral and ethical and erred on the side of righteousness (despite losing my job when I took those stances)
I HAVE regretted keeping my mouth shut or looking the other way because of pressure from administration or bosses.
The Covid hysteria was a massive media failure as well. Here in Oregon, the Oregon Health Authority put out a press release, dutifully reprinted by the state's leading media, that--you betcha--pushing the "new" Covid vaccine...and masking. No one in local media has ever questioned the the lockdowns (from which the state is still recovering, especially in the schools). Mum's the word.
IPAK and (and Children's Health Defense) were the first of many to be censored by Zuck on behalf of Biden, and it's time for compensation for those of us harmed. We had the balls to come out early on lab origins (Jan 2020), negative efficacy (something Vinay does not yet get, see Nick Fentons' independent discovery of my finding that waiting 5 or 8 weeks until after the 2nd dose hides negative efficacy: ) , the importance of early treatment, and the flaw in using non-Q RT-PCR with no negative control, CDC overreporting (which they eventually admitted when it suited them to reduce cases), the flaws in the lockdown strategy, that most deaths were bacterial pneumonia, untreated, misdiagnosed, not viral pneumonia, even the very nature of COVID-19 as a disease itself. Zuck should be ashamed; he helped perpetuate the single largest criminal fraud every perpetuated in the history of the world. He, and US gov't, owes us a great deal of compensation. Kudos to Zuck for ditching the monkey off his back, finally. I'll be testing FB for evidence of censorship next week. See,, and
""Harris for President requires all employees to be 'up to date' on COVID-19 vaccination status as prescribed by the CDC as a condition of employment, unless otherwise prohibited by applicable law."
Based on the thumbnail alone it amazes me the ease with which smart people are fooled. All the way from “time for a change of the old white man guard” to the tiresome “orange bad” - and as I have said prior I’m no fan of either candidate “team” but I am about policy. And nothing about the currently installed regime makes me think it’ll be anything but worse. This too shall pass into history, and like many before, these regimes will be forgotten to time. The left machine will collapse under itself as they no longer have Trump to blame (although I’m certain they will do it for years to come). I’m not sure what will happen to the right, but it’s in no shape to compete that’s for sure. I’m just glad I don’t feel alone with my lack of trust anymore.
I don't think it's massive news. It's Old News. For so many, myself included, knew this was happening for years and then confirmed when the Twitter Files were released by Matt Taibbi. What, did Zuckerberg just realize that he was played? Give me a break. We shouldn't be focusing on FB, they are not the protectors of the 1st Amendment. We need to be focused on all the swamp people who did the pressuring, the unelected powers of be who operate with impunity.
It could also be that Fauci has serious Covid and to prevent any bad press for Covid vaccines (they are supposed to at least prevent hospitalization), he is blaming a different virus.
Trump is a deeply flawed candidate for President, but his administration did not shut down social media platforms. Yes he did attack the press from his bully pulpit but the press had a field day firing at the old blowhard with both barrels. I must admit, some days it was even fun to watch if it wasn’t so depressing. I give many of our officials a pass for the first six months of COVID-19 because they had no clue what was going on. However, once data began to come out that the lockdowns were unnecessary and even quite harmful, my sympathy evaporated. Even now, in retrospect, the mea culpas, mea maxima culpa, are few and far between. Give Zuckerberg some credit - it’s really hard to admit you were wrong, but he did in a genuine self-deprecating fashion. If only others had similar integrity, we could better heal as a society.
Woah, Woah, Woah Dr. Prasad! You are perilously close to attacking SCIENCE.....You know.... because speaking on behalf of Dr. Fauci..."Attacks On Me, Quite Frankly, Are Attacks On Science"
Also, there are no more liberals in modern day Democratic party. They've been replaced by Leftist. Leftists are people who believe in censorship, lawlessness, abortion with NO restrictions, whose skin color matters more than merit, and most of all...who - to borrow your phrase - worship Fauci Bobblehead dolls.
Wowser, just wowser Vinay!!! This guy “Zuck” showed his genius in another way (unrelated to COVID) when he conceived the whole idea of the Facebook platform. Who knew that so many people in our world have concealed narcissism? Folks just itching to post self photos that portray them as hot” and/or “interesting”, etc. Both males and females. All the time. Every day. Some sick shit.
Reminds me of the "lion and lion tamer" lesson. The lion is more powerful than the lion tamer, and yet he sycophantically obeys the tamer. Why? He's been trained to believe the tamer is more powerful.
We were lied to... hoodwinked...bamboozled. Tons of people bought into the lies, because we've been trained to believe the government is more powerful than the people. I hope we remember this is not the case come November.
i've watched your journey from mild skepticism to Incredulity to horror and disgust. i applaud you for naming names! it's a wonder you haven't been hit with libel suits or fired from your job (how many data free boosters is your hospital requiring now?).
i was having an argument with a "friend"- a NJ real estate lady- about the efficacy of the vaccines and the whole covid shebang and sent her some of your articles, knowing that anything written by RFKjr would be ridiculed and dismissed, whereas you and Dr Makary still have some bona fides that conventional people might accept.
her response- "well, he's regarded as kind of a quack." obviously someone has rewritten your wikipedia page to include your "heretical" positions on covid. no matter how you try to explain it, you're an anti-vaxxer now and you can't escape that branding (your position on free speech can't help).
The problem is that the government’s minions were unable to sort out bad and dangerous misinformation like bleach and ivermectin from honest, rational, apolitical debate among scientists. The truths about vaccines, masks, natural infection, lab leak, and paxlovid became too inconvenient.
Vinay, As an academic hematologist who has preceded your arc, it is amazing to me how discovering the evil (I have stopped believing it was incompetence/stupidity -- no one in such numbers can be so stupid) that was foisted on patients leads to discovering the far greater evil pervasive in the aforementioned party -- the abrogation of the First Amendment, the most foundational part of any democratically-oriented government. It turns out these people do not care about health or democracy, even though they are so perverse that they use the words to mean exactly the opposite of what they do mean. They only care about power and control and squashing dissent.
This was the party under which I grew up. Now I fear them with all my life. And I see you are making the same discoveries -- as are truly open-minded people of all persuasions...heavens, even RFK Jr.
Thanks for always being honest and for letting everyone progress along this path with you. It will take all of us doing SOMETHING to save us all, I expect.
Incompetence and stupidity would find itself on either side of an issue from time to time. Evil always goes one way.
This is a profoundly important comment. Never thought of it quite that way. I shall borrow it with attribution. Many thanks.
The country is run by a small group of money hungy/power hungry criminals who only care about benefiting themselves. This is the case no matter who or what party sits in the White House.
i would so love to respost your comment everywhere
Agree that this is massive news. Zuckerberg has admitted the Administration's pressure (coercion is more accurate), but it was ubiquitous across social media platforms and all legacy media companies. The censorship is well beyond covid. It covers anything controversial such as climate ideology, gender ideology, racism ideology, and so on.
The New York Times didn't bother to publish this story, but the Wall Street Journal did. Not sure if the liberal msm is suppressing the story. It probably is because it makes Kamala look bad.
Even so, I hope this starts a cascade of others to step forward to acknowledge the anti-free speech agenda of Biden-Harris.
It's tough to watch Trump drop all the controversies in order to maintain a chance at victory, meanwhile Harris becomes more Trumpish on several points. They're all such liars.
Thank you again, Vinay, for writing about this letter. I encourage everyone to read the entire thing. It’s fairly easy to find on X and other internet sites. I posted it to my FB account and I never post political stuff, only health related items and social events. I thought it was important that FB users be informed of what the creator of the platform just admitted to being a part of, and sort of- he hedged a bit- fell on his sword so to speak.
I must say, however, that the past four years have made me much more cynical so I also wonder what else is going on that we are not seeing. What’s in it for Mark Zuckerberg? Is he that afraid of his Section 230 protection being gutted or is it something else?
Exactly. Zuck is either getting something from it or avoiding something pretty bad.
IIRC Zuckerberg had been called in prior to the pandemic to testify before Congress and got raked over the coals. Techies don't like being in the spotlight like that. The government kept saying that they might have to step in a regulate them. Here's some from the Twitter files:
"NetChoice lets Twitter know a “blood bath” awaits in upcoming Hill hearings, with members saying it's a "tipping point," complaining tech has “grown so big that they can’t even regulate themselves, so government may need to intervene.” "
"When asked just how bad this situation is, one staffer said: "it's tech's Access Hollywood moment and it has no Hillary to hide behind." Others were more blunt: "tech is screwed and rightfully so.""
I have NEVER regretted standing my ground on what I believed was moral and ethical and erred on the side of righteousness (despite losing my job when I took those stances)
I HAVE regretted keeping my mouth shut or looking the other way because of pressure from administration or bosses.
The Covid hysteria was a massive media failure as well. Here in Oregon, the Oregon Health Authority put out a press release, dutifully reprinted by the state's leading media, that--you betcha--pushing the "new" Covid vaccine...and masking. No one in local media has ever questioned the the lockdowns (from which the state is still recovering, especially in the schools). Mum's the word.
But it's not "government". We don't have "government", what we have is a bunch of puppets who obey all the demands of the Medical Industrial Complex.
This is all about corporate profits/power.
True......Follow the money....
IPAK and (and Children's Health Defense) were the first of many to be censored by Zuck on behalf of Biden, and it's time for compensation for those of us harmed. We had the balls to come out early on lab origins (Jan 2020), negative efficacy (something Vinay does not yet get, see Nick Fentons' independent discovery of my finding that waiting 5 or 8 weeks until after the 2nd dose hides negative efficacy: ) , the importance of early treatment, and the flaw in using non-Q RT-PCR with no negative control, CDC overreporting (which they eventually admitted when it suited them to reduce cases), the flaws in the lockdown strategy, that most deaths were bacterial pneumonia, untreated, misdiagnosed, not viral pneumonia, even the very nature of COVID-19 as a disease itself. Zuck should be ashamed; he helped perpetuate the single largest criminal fraud every perpetuated in the history of the world. He, and US gov't, owes us a great deal of compensation. Kudos to Zuck for ditching the monkey off his back, finally. I'll be testing FB for evidence of censorship next week. See,, and
The Harris for President website states:
""Harris for President requires all employees to be 'up to date' on COVID-19 vaccination status as prescribed by the CDC as a condition of employment, unless otherwise prohibited by applicable law."
Her and her veep are fukin nuts
isn't it prohibited by law now?
Based on the thumbnail alone it amazes me the ease with which smart people are fooled. All the way from “time for a change of the old white man guard” to the tiresome “orange bad” - and as I have said prior I’m no fan of either candidate “team” but I am about policy. And nothing about the currently installed regime makes me think it’ll be anything but worse. This too shall pass into history, and like many before, these regimes will be forgotten to time. The left machine will collapse under itself as they no longer have Trump to blame (although I’m certain they will do it for years to come). I’m not sure what will happen to the right, but it’s in no shape to compete that’s for sure. I’m just glad I don’t feel alone with my lack of trust anymore.
I don't think it's massive news. It's Old News. For so many, myself included, knew this was happening for years and then confirmed when the Twitter Files were released by Matt Taibbi. What, did Zuckerberg just realize that he was played? Give me a break. We shouldn't be focusing on FB, they are not the protectors of the 1st Amendment. We need to be focused on all the swamp people who did the pressuring, the unelected powers of be who operate with impunity.
For Zuk to suddenly mea culpa can only mean two things:
1- Profit, looking cool with the other world leading billionaire nerds
2- Fear of something coming down the pipes
This goes beyond the revelations of the Twitter Files, it speaks to new things amiss.
PS / is it bad that I’m neither sad nor surprised that one of the folks on ur list has some rare virus at the moment?
Who is it and what do they have?
I believe Fauci has West Nile virus.
He is quite advanced in age and if he’s taken COVID shots (I’m not sure), his immune system is probably in shambles from the toxic load.
It could also be that Fauci has serious Covid and to prevent any bad press for Covid vaccines (they are supposed to at least prevent hospitalization), he is blaming a different virus.
I could totally believe that as well!
Trump is a deeply flawed candidate for President, but his administration did not shut down social media platforms. Yes he did attack the press from his bully pulpit but the press had a field day firing at the old blowhard with both barrels. I must admit, some days it was even fun to watch if it wasn’t so depressing. I give many of our officials a pass for the first six months of COVID-19 because they had no clue what was going on. However, once data began to come out that the lockdowns were unnecessary and even quite harmful, my sympathy evaporated. Even now, in retrospect, the mea culpas, mea maxima culpa, are few and far between. Give Zuckerberg some credit - it’s really hard to admit you were wrong, but he did in a genuine self-deprecating fashion. If only others had similar integrity, we could better heal as a society.
Woah, Woah, Woah Dr. Prasad! You are perilously close to attacking SCIENCE.....You know.... because speaking on behalf of Dr. Fauci..."Attacks On Me, Quite Frankly, Are Attacks On Science"
Also, there are no more liberals in modern day Democratic party. They've been replaced by Leftist. Leftists are people who believe in censorship, lawlessness, abortion with NO restrictions, whose skin color matters more than merit, and most of all...who - to borrow your phrase - worship Fauci Bobblehead dolls.
Wowser, just wowser Vinay!!! This guy “Zuck” showed his genius in another way (unrelated to COVID) when he conceived the whole idea of the Facebook platform. Who knew that so many people in our world have concealed narcissism? Folks just itching to post self photos that portray them as hot” and/or “interesting”, etc. Both males and females. All the time. Every day. Some sick shit.
Reminds me of the "lion and lion tamer" lesson. The lion is more powerful than the lion tamer, and yet he sycophantically obeys the tamer. Why? He's been trained to believe the tamer is more powerful.
We were lied to... hoodwinked...bamboozled. Tons of people bought into the lies, because we've been trained to believe the government is more powerful than the people. I hope we remember this is not the case come November.
Dr Prasad,
i've watched your journey from mild skepticism to Incredulity to horror and disgust. i applaud you for naming names! it's a wonder you haven't been hit with libel suits or fired from your job (how many data free boosters is your hospital requiring now?).
i was having an argument with a "friend"- a NJ real estate lady- about the efficacy of the vaccines and the whole covid shebang and sent her some of your articles, knowing that anything written by RFKjr would be ridiculed and dismissed, whereas you and Dr Makary still have some bona fides that conventional people might accept.
her response- "well, he's regarded as kind of a quack." obviously someone has rewritten your wikipedia page to include your "heretical" positions on covid. no matter how you try to explain it, you're an anti-vaxxer now and you can't escape that branding (your position on free speech can't help).
so sorry, but welcome to the club of outcasts.
The problem is that the government’s minions were unable to sort out bad and dangerous misinformation like bleach and ivermectin from honest, rational, apolitical debate among scientists. The truths about vaccines, masks, natural infection, lab leak, and paxlovid became too inconvenient.